Teaching for Comprehending and FluencyIrene FountasGay Su Pinnell
García and Li (2018) further argued that, from a teacher's perspective, translanguaging can serve as a scaffold to assist learners in comprehending difficult text and speech. From a student perspective, translanguaging provides an opportunity for free self-expression and self-representation, one ...
8. Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized. Despite its success in private schools, the Direct Method was met with a great deal of criticism. Strict requirements to adhere to its princi- ples and the need for native speakers or someone with native-like fluency prevented this method ...
Many of the language-related challenges that students experience in EMI contexts are inherent in the process of learning unfamiliar content in a foreign language; these include their lack of content-specific vocabulary knowledge, the difficulties they face comprehending lengthy, complex lectures, and the...
Studies have shown that limited vocabulary prevents students from comprehending a reading text for example. Poor readers, therefore, often read less because reading is difficult and frustrating for them. This means they do not read enough to improve their vocabulary which could help them comprehend ...
5、ompetence, Fluency.3 3 principles of communicative language teaching :communication principle , task principle , meaningfulness principle4 the key assumption in CLT is that students learn the language through engaging in a variety of communicative activities,5 6 criteria for Evaluating how communica...
1、实用文档A Course in English Language TeachingUnit 1 Language and LearningViews on language 语言观Structural view 结构主义as a linguistic systemfunctional view功能主义as a linguistic system but also ameans for doing things,base on communicative functions Interactional view 交互性 as a communicative ...
theinstructional sequencedecisions.Commonalitiesemergeamongtheseoptions,manybeingbasedontheOrton- GillinghamApproach(astructurelanguageapproach).Allreadinginstructionmustcontainthefive componentsofreading(PhonemicAwareness,Phonics,Fluency,Vocabulary,andComprehension)as outlinedintheNationalReadingPanel’sreport(National...
AccordingtoRobBastone(1994),granllnarismulti_dimensional:grammarisaformal mechanism,afunctionalsystemfromsignalingmeanings,oradynamicresourcewhichbothusersandlearners callonindiferentwaysatdiferenttimes. Theteachingofgrammarhasbeenthefocusoflanguageteachersandlearnersformanyyears.Themaingoal ofgrammarteachingistoenable...