Psychiatric nursing education was significantly impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, and innovative teaching can be challenging. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of four approaches to psychiatric nursing education in the context of the pandemic. Methods A quasi-experimental design was adopt...
Online Courses After COVID-19: When Educators Share More Than Knowledge The next step is to help other educators still struggling with remotely teaching their course. It was thus highly valuable to hear from Professor Jose Ramirez, from the Harvard Extension School, who shared how he had started...
Teaching Online During COVID-19 Welcome! I’ve set up these resources to help people who are starting to move their classes temporarily online due to school closings. This is a difficult time, for sure. The temporary shift to teaching and learning online is not something anyone had anticipated...
At Gowanda Middle School, about 30 miles outside of Buffalo, NY, seventh- and eighth-grade technology teacher Ryan Schwarzott says that clear and respectful communication has helped him manage his kids through the complexities of COVID-19. “You have to set the tone the first day of class:...
Learning by teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: Improving students' social and technical Skills through peer editing pedagogy Eubios Journal of Asian & International BioethicsAntipuesto-Angelo, Rosela
Teaching English in China during the COVID epidemic is, on the whole, an ordinary experience. Only China has been able to stop the spread of the disease. When the epidemic hit, I moved to China from Canada and found myself attending school, interacting with andteachingmy pupils in person ...
1.2. Teacher self-efficacy during COVID-19 There is still limited research on the impact of COVID-19 on teacher's efficacy, however, several recent articles have shed light on the issue. There is still limited research on teacher efficacy during COVID-19 in the United States (Pressley, 202...
Letter to the Editor: Distant surgical teaching during COVID‐19 ‐ A pilot study on final year medical studentsDear Editor, We read with great interest the article describing the impact of COVID-19 on medical education in Hong Kong, where a pilot study implemented distant surgical teaching ...
During China’s spring festival a job vast pandemic situation started. COVID-19 is believed to spread out generally from person-to-person, in between people that are in close call with one an additional or via respiratory system droplets produced when an infected person coughings or sneezes. ...
The adoption of hybrid teaching, characterized as a combined approach encompassing both online and face-to-face instructional methods, has proliferated globally during the pandemic of COVID-19. Although digital teaching has existed for decades, its widespread adoption during this crisis was unprecedented...