It requires students to demonstrate that they can integrate knowledge, skills and professional graduate attributes developed during the program and perform at a standard expected of graduates. This paper reports on insight into the approaches and methodologies used for learning and teaching of the ...
The concept of personal autonomy in contemporary moral and political philosophy is broadly associated with an agent's self-determining or self-governing capacities. B Week VI: Relational Autonomy and Feminist Values b Meyers, Diana T. "The Feminist Debate over Values in Autonomy Theory." ...
There is a common perception that Chinese students have a tendency towards rote learning. Rote learning has been associated with a surface approach to learning, which is normally envisaged as less desirable than a deep approach, particularly in higher education. Abundant research into approaches to ...
This course is one of a series of eight MOOCs created by Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis for the Learning Design and Leadership program at the University of Illinois. If you find this MOOC helpful, please join us in others! - e-Learning Ecologies: Innovative Approaches to Teaching a...
Methods and Tools for Computer Assisted Learning and Assessment 热度: Approaches and methods in language teaching and learning 热度: The International Corpus of Learner English A New Resource for Foreign Language Learning and Teaching and Second Language Acquisition Research 热度: 相关推荐 CONTENTS...
Reflections on accounting education research: How accounting education research on approaches to learning has contributed to educational practice This article identifies approaches to learning research as a significant influence within educational communities in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Sca... U ...
Part 3 considers approaches to demonstrating and enhancing practice Written to support the excellence in teaching required to bring about learning of the highest quality, this will be essential reading for all new lecturers, particularly anyone taking an accredited course in teaching and learning in ...
The ILTHE expects academics to have knowledge of: their subject material; how their subject is taught and learned; teaching approaches; the use of learning technologies; techniques for monitoring and evaluating their own teaching; the mission of their institute and how it affects teaching and ...
Teaching as the Learning Profession includes case studies of innovative approaches to school improvement, principles for better staff development, proposals for the reform of unions, and practical as well as conceptual advice on recruitment, licensing, redefining the teaching career, enhancing diversity, ...
Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching and Learning English: Connections with Critical NumeracyTogether with literacy, numeracy has been acknowledged as a foundation of formal schooling. Once considered the domain of the mathematics and English classrooms respectively, numeracy and literacy—in all their forms...