doi:10.5281/zenodo.13124986Gasco, Ariane Gay A.Galibo, Joel Q.Psychology & Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to teachers. Teachers need a creative way to continue the engaged teaching process under the con
J. (2018). The self-regulated learning guide: Teaching students to think in the language of strategies. Routledge. Colburn, A. (2000). An inquiry primer. Science Scope, 23(6), 42–44. Google Scholar Corden, R. (2004). Group work; learning through talk. In T. Grainger (Ed.), ...
Examples included visual and/or physical prompts that aimed to guide students (e.g., key words, sentence stems, suggested vocabulary, and talk rules), and successfully supported student discussion without direct teacher intervention: ‘Even the child who is generally quiet began to talk about what...
The teachers responded using smartphones or in one case personal computers four times a day (upon awakening, at 10 am, at the end of the workday, and before bedtime), regarding to what extent each emotion best described them at that particular moment (1 = “does not describe me at...
This idealised and morally marked figure serves the teachers – and the university – to regulate the students’ bodies and minds and guide them in their way to comply with what they stated as the graduating profile of the students. First of all, she employed a perceptibly calm and soft ...
doi:10.11594/ijmaber.04.06.15Zalun, Judy G.International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business & Education Research
tAo naogtuhiedre t-eshaecheter report "Opinion sharing in small group situations with little or no preparation—however, th do have access to a guide‐sheet with specific sociolinguistic structures of focus". This n approach to...