Grade 5 Quarter 4 Daily Lesson Log (MELC-DLL) | SY 2024 – 2025 Ma'am Divina What is a Daily Lesson Log (DLL)? A Daily Lesson Log (DLL) is a comprehensive plan that teachers use to organize and guide their daily lessons. It includes key elements such as lesson objectives, activiti...
This mixed methods study investigated the extent to which preservice teachers' discipline orientations are consistent with their perceptions of what makes an effective teacher. The study's first purpose was to determine whether preservice teachers tend to possess a predominant discipline style. The ...
Check out our guide to loan consolidation: The Ultimate Guide To Student Loan Consolidation 0 Reply LC 6 years ago I received $5,000 in forgiveness about 6 years ago after teaching elementary school for 5 years. Since then, I have taught secondary math at a low-income school for 2 ...
High-Frequency/VocabularyHigh-Frequency/VocabularyHigh-Frequency/VocabularyHigh-Frequency/VocabularyMeetGrade-Level Expectations ObjectiveReviewHigh-FrequencyWordsandVocabularyWords Asanalternativetothis Materials•High-FrequencyWordCards•VocabularyWordCardsday’slesson,guidechildren •Sound-SpellingWorkBoardsthrougha...
LC1.1.8LC1.1.8 Spellthree-andfour-Spellthree-andfour-togetherwithchildren. lettershort-vowellettershort-vowel wordsandgrade-wordsandgrade- level-appropriatelevel-appropriate sightwordscorrectly.sightwordscorrectly.■Holdupthebumpycard.Sayandspelltheword.Pronounceeach soundclearly/b//u//m//p//ē/.Have...
Forty-nine of them taught 8–9-year-old students in Grade 2, and 12 of them taught 9–10-year-olds in Grade 3. The mean age of the participating teachers was 45.3 years (SD = 9.4), and their mean work experience was 17.8 years (SD = 10.1). Data were collected over two workdays...
but the mom who approached me after an evening information session for parents this week has lingered in my mind. She was a single mom of three boys, two in high school and one in sixth grade. Her older boys had experienced a fair amount of harassment and bullying in school, she said,...
Bautista NU (2012) What does an ELL infusion in a science methods course look like? In: Nutta J et al (eds) Preparing every teacher to reach English learners: a practical guide for teacher educators. Harvard Education Press Google Scholar ...
The views and experiences of healthcare providers were examined using the following questions as a guide:What does disclosure of HIV status mean to you; What are your thoughts on how children living with HIV should be told about their condition; What are your thoughts regarding involvement of he...
The other group portrayed mathematics as process-focused, internally constructed, and relevant; learning took place through a focus on children's thinking, with teaching characterized as guiding and questioning. The context for this study was an elementary teacher preparation program ...