After scale development phases and statistical analyses, it was determined that the teacher self-efficacy scale for the use of ICT at home is a valid and reliable measurement tool. The structure and results of the scale that was developed were compared with the results of different studies and ...
Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale: Adaptation and Validation in Italy According to Albert Bandura (1977, 1992, 1994, 1995), self-efficacy is the belief in one's capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations. A person's attitudes, abilities and cog...
Schwarzer, R., Schmitz, G. S., & Daytner, G. T. (1999). The Teacher Self- Efficacy scale. [On-line publication]. Retrieved February 6, 2006, from /gesund/ shaken/ language- Selection/turkish/teacher-self-efficacy/teacher-self-efficacy.html....
Grounded in social learning theory, several self-report questionnaires have been developed to assess the construct of teacher self-efficacy. A measure of particular interest in the present study was the widely used Teacher Efficacy Scale (TES). Despite the widespread use of the TES, questions have...
all scale items’ factor loadings are higher than 0.714 except PT1 and JS6. Therefore, PT1 and JS 6 are excluded from model. In addition, the AVE and CR values of Personality traits (PT), Perceived organizational Support (POS), Self-efficacy (EF), Job Satisfaction (JS) and Job performa...
In this study, the brief version of the Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale, developed by Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy (2001), was employed to gauge teacher self-efficacy. The original scale comprises 12 items, utilising a nine-point Likert scale (1 indicates nothing to 9 indicates a great ...
The current study used a multigroup structural equation model to identify similarities and differences in the associations between job demands/resources, self-efficacy, and teacher wellbeing in rural, regional, and metropolitan locations in Australia. Workload and student behavior stress (negatively) ...
experience. A limitation of the Wolters and Daugherty (2007) study was the sensitivity of the scale used for years of experience (e.g. 11 + years); smaller increments would have allowed for greater differentiation of the self-efficacy levels of experienced teachers. Subsequent research should ...
This article illustrates the role of teacher identity in teacher self-efficacy development during initial teacher education. It has been posited that teach
Looking at teacher self-reported data, the classroom management and student-oriented instruction dimensions—put forward by the students—were not apparent, but these dimensions could be seen as an integral part of teachers’ three core dimensions of instructional quality. Teachers could consider these...