This study investigated the measurement invariance of school and teacher Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) readiness among 57 countries that
The present study has many strengths, including the use of a nationally representative sample of teachers, the combination of hypothetical vignettes and questionnaire data, and the adoption of a rigorous hierarchical SEM strategy of analysis. The first limitation of the study is that it investigated...
The questionnaire (Angelovska et al., Citation2020; De Angelis, Citation2011; Horwitz, Citation2008) consisted of 45 items. The teachers were asked to indicate their agreement on a five-point Likert scale. Each level on the Likert scale was assigned a numeric value: (1) strongly disagree, ...
Beginning teachers completed the Teacher Questionnaire that elicited information regarding their level of preparedness to meet their administrative, instructional, organizational and professional expectations. Principals, or their designees, completed the Principal Questionnaire on each beginning teacher in their...
Bartlett’s test of sphericity yielded a significance probability value of 0.000 (p < 0.01), indicating the presence of common factors, a validity structure, and interconnectedness between variables in the questionnaire. These findings suggested that the collected data were appropriate for factor ...
The five-point Likert scale was adopted to answer the first questionnaire: the degree of teachers’ readiness to use modern technological learning spaces, and the second one: the degree of raising the competencies of learners. This scale includes five degrees (very high, high, medium, low, ...
2.2.2. Teachers' Teaching Readiness The Teacher Readiness for Teaching Questionnaire was adapted from the Teacher Readiness Questionnaire in the TALIS 2018 Teacher Questionnaire. Based on the original scale, the research team revised the items of the original scale in a culturally adapted manner, ...
The development and validation of a knowledge, attitude and behavior questionnaire to assess undergraduate evidence-based practice teaching and learning Medical Education, 37 (11) (2003), pp. 992-1000, 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2003.01678.x View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Joseph, 2004 D. Joseph The pract...
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire PBL: Problem-based learning PIF: Professional identity formation SRL: Self-regulated learning References 2005Ottawa, Canada: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada; 2005. New York, NY, USA: Free Press; 2003. ...
The infant characteristics questionnaire Child Development, 48 (1979), pp. 195-203 Google Scholar Biele et al., 2019 G. Biele, K. Gustavson, N.O. Czajkowski, R.M. Nilsen, T. Reichborn-Kjennerud, P.M. Magnus, C. Stoltenberg, H. Aase Bias from self selection and loss to follow-up...