“I uploaded tests on EIN [the Educational Information Network] and checked out whether my students completed the tests or not.”A number of teachers, on the other
Department of Literature and Languages, Kwame Nkrumah University, Kabwe, Zambia Jive Lubbungu & Pethias Siame Department of Educational Management, Rivers State University, Port-Harcout, Nigeria Catherine U. Osuji Department of Business Education, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria Ifeanyi M....
Structural characteristics and process quality in early childhood education and care: A literature review Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2018), 10.1787/edaf3793-en (OECD Education Working Paper No. 176). Google Scholar Slot et al., 2018 P.L. Slot, D. Bleses, L.M. ...
In general, effortful control is considered to be very important in early school readiness and maintains its influence on achievement outside of cognitive ability and family factors (Ladd et al., 1999, Lewit and Baker, 1995). Despite the literature suggesting that these two learning-related ...
However, according to a well-established dichotomy, literature frequently distinguishes between top-down approaches, on the one hand, and bottom-up approaches, on the other [27, 28]. Top-down approaches can be characterized by experts systematically gathering information about the target group and ...
Literature Search Flow Diagram: Aspirin Use to Prevent Preeclampsia and Related Morbidity and Mortality View LargeDownload KQ indicates key question; USPSTF, US Preventive Services Task Force. aReason for exclusion: Relevance: Study aim not relevant. Study design: Not a randomized clinical or case-...
based on the overview of existing literature, identified as relevant for student agency either as enablers or inhibiters. Moreover, we focus on students attending primary education since there is an overall lack of knowledge about the relevance of teacher beliefs supporting student agency at the be...
2. Literature review 2.1. Incidental vocabulary learning Incidental vocabulary learning occurs during comprehension-oriented activities (Hulstijn, 2013). Relevant activities include reading, listening, reading-while-listening, and viewing out of interest, and/or enjoyment. Compared to activities explicitly ge...
20 female students) from public secondary schools in Hong Kong. The students had different levels of academic ability and were reasonably representative of the typical secondary school population. The focus group discussions were essential to supplement the information from the literature (Lynass et al...
(DA). DA means assessment of the readiness to learn identifying where it still faces bottlenecks, i.e., where the learner has not yet reached her/his goal. It reveals where the instruction has not yet helped the pupil well enough and shows thus also to teachers where their instruction ...