This collection of 110 comments and phrases is perfect for end of the year report cards. With examples of positive comme... CLASSROOM TOOLS Report Card Comments & Phrases—Personality & Attitude These comments and phrases are appropriate for all students across grade levels and are a great time...
If we’ve made it to the end of this year more or less intact, we have something to be grateful for. It’s challenging to find gratitude in the midst of so much loss. In the midst of all the awful of 2020, there were some bright spots, and recognizing those helps paint a more c...
Here are 20 questions to help you and your students reflect on the school year. You could use these informally for discussion when you have a few minutes, or, for a more personal reflection experience, take a few of your favorites to use for a survey or as writing/journal prompts....
She’s shares that the student in question asked her with genuine concern what a brownie point was. Recap: “That means I get 15 brownies at the end of the year, right? Does she bake those or buy them? I don’t get it.” Me: Face palms and giggles with teacher-buddy. Wow, we ...
Training to be a teacher is a major investment, even on the lower end of the scale, but thankfully there are ways to pursue quality training without breaking the bank. Here are a few tips to make training more accessible. Timing is everything. Many YTT providers offer great deals, ...
We’ve never taught in the middle of a pandemic before, except online at the end of last year, and if we have to do it again, we want to be better prepared to serve our students to the best of our ability. So, essentially, you have set us up to fail yet again. Take away our...
What do you do when they are not taking it next year? Class 1 had very much decided this from about September 3rd. I used the setup from 8×6 above, as it had worked well the previous year and went for it. The group contained mostly different kids and in the end, a few were ...
I currently teach the uber-popular AQA 1C Tudors unit and I’m attaching my revision quizzes at the end of this post, if you’d like to pinch them. I started using these quizzes last year with the aim of setting them once a month in Year 13, though I never quite got that far...
COVID19 – End of the Year Reflections June 29, 2020 End of the year. Finally. Sixty plus school days out, from March 12th until June 12th. Who knows what the fall will bring? More of the same, full distance learning? Some days in school, some distance? Totally back in person?
In the first module implementation, 1.5 h instruction time over 12 weeks was available, and assessment consisted of a written essay at the end of the semester in which participants chose a topic of interest to develop a lesson plan and integrate themes and methods explored in the module. A ...