This practice can be applied to our teaching as well. The end of a school year is a natural time to reflect, and while it’s easy to find good questions for reviewing accomplishments and setbacks, I believe that to learn as much as possible from a reflection on your teaching, you have ...
I was exhausted by the end of it, but I got to see some very amazing cultural and historical sites. I also went to Taiwan for 3 months starting at the tail end of August, knowing that the weather would be too hot until October. For the first 5 weeks, I did almost nothing besides ...
that personal relationships, as a supportive element, may influence all of the above. Think love, friendship, service, sales, education, health, etc. This is the game and any level of mastery is reward with death in the end. Is there a bigger picture? When someone tells you they rely on...
Discover everything you need to survive your first year of teaching, from first day teaching tips, to printables and lesson plans, to advice for new teachers.
the experimental, compared to the control, condition first learned perspective taking skill, then learned the three teaching practices of interest support, value support, and lesser teacher control, which then explained their students’ year-end gains in need satisfaction and declines in need ...
Training to be a teacher is a major investment, even on the lower end of the scale, but thankfully there are ways to pursue quality training without breaking the bank. Here are a few tips to make training more accessible. Timing is everything. Many YTT providers offer great deals, ...
I’ve also written a book,“Gadfly on the Wall: A Public School Teacher Speaks Out on Racism and Reform,”now available fromGarn Press. Ten percent of the proceeds go to theBadass Teachers Association. Check it out! 42 Comments The Stink of Segregation Needs to End in Steel Valley School...
As you can see, the work experience section has been relocated near the end of the resume. You are not trying to hide it. You are merely shifting more focus toward your strong skills. Secondly, use the resume objective to tell the recruiter why you wanted to become an English Teacher. ...
Understanding how students interact with AI bots is a first step towards integrating them into instructional design. In this report, the results of a surve
This diagram represents the primary elements of the STEP-UP training program and gives examples (in smaller type) of the activities and practices happening during different quarters of the year-long program. For example, graduate trainees do exercises during class sessions at the end of autumn quar...