根据本文题目“Tea, High Tea, and Afternoon Tea”和第一段“Tea is a very important part of many people’s lives and it is important for those who drink tea or participate in tea meals to understand some terms related to tea.(茶是许多人生活中非常重要的一部分,对于那些喝茶或参与茶餐的人来...
Drinking tea has been popular in the UK for long and is seen as part of its culture. They have tea the drink, tea the meal, afternoon tea and high tea. Tea the drink Having tea the drink, the British often add other plants like fruit and mint(薄荷)to the teas. Tea the meal On ...
6. "high tea"是另一种更像是正餐的茶点,通常在六点进行。7. 在过去,只有下层人民在工作间隙为了补充体力而享用"high tea",并且坐在较高的餐桌和椅子上,以便快速进餐后离开。8. "afternoon tea"(下午茶)是指午后时间(通常指下午4时至5时之间)享用的茶点,这是更为人熟知的下午茶形式。
High tea 和 afternoon tea 是英国传统的两种茶点。虽然两种活动都与饮茶有关,但它们实际上有很大的不同之处。Afternoon tea 是一种精致的下午茶,通常在下午3点到5点之间享用。这是一顿午餐和晚餐之间的茶点,通常由茶、小甜点、糕点、三明治和果酱组成。这种茶点具有奢华的氛围,常在高档酒店和茶座中...
比如说“high tea、low tea、royal tea”,大家可不要从字面意思将这些理解成“高等下午茶、低等下午茶和皇室下午茶”哦!就像我们不能将“红茶”翻译成“red tea”一样。下面我们就来具体说说这三种茶。 1、high tea 所谓的high tea, 原来是指工人阶级(working class)的人在下午5-6点左右喝的下午茶,一般...
What are the differences among tea the drink, tea the meal, high tea and afternoon tea? Tea the drink Tea the drink is made from the processing of making teas. The basic teas are also often mixed with other plants like vanilla, mint and melon. ...
The term comes from the meal being eaten at the “high" (main) table. It is now largely replaced by the later meal.In recent years, "high tea" has become a word for exquisite(精致) afternoon tea.Actually, such usage is wrong. High te a is not the same as afternoon tea.Main ...
1. Afternoon Tea,又称Low Tea,通常在下午2点到5点之间享用,使用一套精美的正式茶具。这种茶会认为是女士们的社交活动,通常在茶几上进行。2. High Tea在英格兰北部、苏格兰和威尔士等传统工业和农业地区较为流行。它通常在下午5点到7点之间提供,因为是在餐桌上享用,所以被称为High Tea。在英国...
1. Afternoon Tea,又称Low Tea,通常在下午2点到5点之间享用,场合正式,使用精美的茶具。这种茶会起源于19世纪,当时被视为女士们的社交活动。2. High Tea,在英格兰北部、苏格兰和威尔士等地区较为流行。它通常在下午5点到7点之间提供,与晚餐时间相近,因此得名High Tea。在英国北方,High Tea实际...