〔1〕〔2〕The Ministry of Education, New Zealand. Te Whāriki Early Childhood Curriculum[EB/OL].[2019-06-20].http:∥www.education.govt.nz. 图片/作者提供 编辑排版/周珊 ⊙作者:宋坤;单位:杭州科技职业技术学院;原文题目为《编织儿童成长的图景——新西兰Unitec日托中心观摩有感》;文章版权归《幼儿教育...
Te Whāriki:Early Childhood Curriculum. Ministry of Education. https://education.govt.nz/assets/Documents/EarlyChildhood/Te-Whariki-Early-ChildhoodCurriculum.pdf . 2017Blaiklock, K. (2010a). Te Wha-riki, the New Zealand early childhood curriculum: Is it effective? International Journal of Early ...
A national early childhood curriculum is expected to support the partnership between Maori people and the Crown established by the Treaty of Waitangi. This paper discusses the development of some national guidelines for early childhood education, "Te Whariki", and their relationship to the national ...
Due to its large and diverse population of migrants, New Zealand is now considered to be a ‘superdiverse’ country (Royal Society of New Zealand
Empowering children to learn and grow - Te Whariki: The New Zealand early childhood national curriculum. In: Hayden J, ed. Landscapes in early childhood education: Cross-national perspectives on empowerment - A guide for the new millennium. New York, NY: Peter Lang; 2000: 153...
Reflecting on the Development Process of Te Whariki: National Early Childhood Curriculum Guidelines in New Zealand. International Journal of Early Years Education, 1(3), 7-22.Carr, M., and H. May. 1993. Choosing a model: Reflecting on the development process of Te Wha¯riki:am[]acr ...
While intergenerational programmes are a fairly new venture in New Zealand, the early childhood curricu-lum-Te Whariki, the woven mat, is a document which is based on the relationships between people and their environment. It is an ecological model where the context of a child's life is a ...
Globalising childhood: Assembling the bicultural child in the New Zealand early childhood curriculum: Te Whariki. International Journal of Critical Childhood Policy Studies, 1(1), 82-105.Duhn, I. (2008) Globalising Childhood: assembling the bicultural child in the New Zealand Early Childhood ...