[1, 5], "inact": 1, "sec": 1, "pattern": [1, 4], "mean": [1, 2, 4, 5, 6], "restrict": 1, "keyword": [1, 2], "howev": [1, 4, 5], "comb": 1, "sens": 1, "undefin": 1, "still": [0, 1], "commenttodo": 1, "respond": 1, "addition": [1, 2, ...
As we move into 2019, I continue to see the tailwinds associated with those themes continuing to blow hard. Despite all the vain attempts to fight it temporarily, there is no slowing down the aging process. Consumers continue to flock to better for you alternatives, and as you’ll see bel...
Although independent domestications cannot be ruled out, it appears that migration events, very early in the history of pearl millet, followed by a combination of geographic and ethnographic isolation are responsible for the present-day pattern of variation in seed morphology of the crop (Appa Rao...
In other words, Del Frisco’s is putting itself in play. Often this can result in a company being taken out either by strategic investors, private equity or a combination of the two. There is also the chance a company going through this process is not acquired due primarily to a mismatch...
“The end result of the project was great; theJBLsystem exceeded my expectations,” said Ang. “I’ve heard so many positive things. It’s one of the best installations that we’ve done, as far as audio quality. It’s like a concert everywhere you go.”...
8). The ferroelectric domain pattern shows a strong contrast between upward (orange) and downward (olive) polarizations with domain walls along the chain direction in the Te nanowire. Such a domain structure can be attributed to the opposite off-center ion displacements between the two inclined ...
Beam Pattern SB12T Opposed Mode 150 mm 6" 100 mm 50 mm 0 4" 2" 0 50 mm 100 mm 150 mm 2" 4" 6" 0 0.4 m 16" 0.8 m 32" 1.2 m 1.6 m 48" 64" 2.0 m 80" DISTANCE Figure 1. Effective Beam Ø: 8.3 mm 2 www.bannerengineering.com -...
The significance of magnesium to the body is a result of the fact that it is a bivalent ion employed in some metabolic processes as well as to produce apatite in the bone matrix3. The main drawback of using Mg alloys as biodegradable implants is the high rate of disintegration in ...
] } }, 'address.street': 'text', 'address.zipCode': { options: { regex: { pattern: /^\d{6}$/, err: '{value} is not a valid zip code' } } } }); if (await handler.execute()) { const model = handler.model().skipFields('password2').renameField('password1', 'password')...
Thus, the XRD pattern confirms the formation of CoMoS via a facile electrodeposition technique. The XRD pattern of the TIRC sample showed diffraction peaks at 24.3° and 27.4° corresponding to the (100) and (101) miller indices of Te, respectively (JCPDS:00–001–0714), while the broad ...