BertTCR combines a pre-trained protein large language model with deep learning architectures, enabling it to extract deeper contextual information from TCRs. Compared to three state-of-the-art sequence-based methods, BertTCR improves the AUC on an external validation set for thyroid cancer detection...
利用TABR-BERT模型来识别针对MHC-I限制性新抗原的TCR,这些新抗原来自八个TP53热点突变,涵盖了3.717%的TP53突变患者。如图7A所示,TABR-BERT展现出最高的性能。对于八个热点突变中的六个,TABR-BERT在前10个预测中至少识别出一个新抗原反应性TCR。 图7 TABR-BERT 从热点 TP53 突变中鉴定出新抗原反应性 TCR 总之...
machine-learningtcrbert UpdatedMay 4, 2022 Jupyter Notebook A Parity Substrate runtime implementation of a simple Token Curated Registry (TCR) cryptoruntimeblockchaintcrtoken-curated-registryparity-substrate UpdatedJun 3, 2020 Rust pengxingang/TEIM ...
[10] Iannacone M, Guidotti LG. Immunobiology and pathogenesis of hepatitis B virus infection[J]. Nat Rev Immunol, 2022,22(1):19-32. DOI: 10.1038/s41577-021-00549-4. [11] Le Bert N, Gill US, Hong M, et...
TCR2 Therapeutics 是一家致力于开发下一代新型 T 细胞疗法的公司,成立于 2015 年。其创始人 Patrick Baeuerle 博士是 MPM Capital 的董事总经理,其董事会主席 Ansbert Gadicke 博士是 MPM Capital 联合创始人兼董事总经理。Garry Menzel 博士于 2016 年加入 TCR2 Therapeutics,担任董事兼首席执行官。在加入 ...
Did Isaac Smith see out his TCR Europe season? I don’t think he did?
Wrappers provided for following TCR featurization/clustering for benchmarking: tcr-dist, iSMART, clusTCR, deepTCR, ESM, tcrBERT. comparitor_tooling/distance_based_tools is a subpackage that can be used to run tcr-dist or iSMART - see README therein. comparitor_tooling/Spikein_scores/Wrappe...
doi:10.1038/s41590-019-0544-5Ang A. TuTodd M. GierahnBrinda MonianDuncan M. MorganNaveen K. MehtaBert RuiterWayne G. ShrefflerAlex K. ShalekJ. Christopher LoveNature Immunology
“TCR2自2016年12月走出隐匿模式以来,取得了快速的进展。我们获得的本轮融资证实了我们独特方法和世界级团队的潜力,”TCR2的董事会主席、MPM Capital的共同创始人Ansbert Gadicke博士说道:“我欢迎李伟博士和Neil Gibson博士加入董事会。他们在通往临床成功的征程上会带来巨大的价值。” ...