如下图,C/S两端同时发起关闭请求,即同时向对方了FIN报文段,根据有限状态机的描述,此时双方都由ESTABLISHED变为FIN_WAIT_1状态,紧接着各自...; TCP协议的操作流程可以使用一个包含11种状态的有限状态机( Finite State Machine )来表示,下图描述了TCP有限状态机的运作流程,箭头指向表示状态之间的转换,粗实线表示...
TCP 有限状态机 很多人都知道TCP协议有名的三次握手和四次挥手,实际上它们是基于TCP协议的简约版抽象描述,而这两个动作的背后本质上是TCP的协议转换; TCP协议的操作流程可以使用一个包含11种状态的有限状态机( Finite State Machine )来表示,下图描述了TCP有限状态机的运作流程,箭头指向表示状态之间...
It is adapted fromthe table describing the TCP finite state machine, but shows what happens for both the server and the client over time. Each row shows the state the device begins in, what action it takes in that state and the state to which it transitions. The transmit and receive part...
Figure 210: The TCP Finite State Machine (FSM) This diagram illustrates the simplified TCP FSM. The color codings are not an official part of the definition of the FSM; I have added them to show more clearly the sequences taken by the two devices to open and close a link. For both ...
This SYN, data, and FIN may arrive on a single segment (as in Figure 4), or on multiple segments; packetization makes no difference to the logic of the finite-state machine (FSM) defining transitions among connection states. Half-synchronized connections have several consequences. (a) The ...
计算机里讲的是有限状态机(Finite-state machine)。人生就是一个有限状态机,出生即open,死亡即close。当然人是一个复杂的有限状态机,在人的一生当中可以有很多个状态转换。比如你有一个(男)女朋友,和(他)她吵架即输入动作,分手成单身了即结果状态。当然也有动作的结果是不会让现有状态发生发生迁移的,取而代之的...
The client goes to the INIT state. Lease Expires: The client receives no reply prior to the expiration of the lease. It goes back to the INIT state.Figure 262: DHCP Client Finite State Machine This diagram shows the finite state machine used by DHCP clients. The colored background areas ...
you can view sockets in TIME_WAIT using netstat. There are a finite number of socket connections...
As can be seen from the TCP state transition diagram below, TIME_WAIT is the final state that TCP clients usually end up in. TIME_WAIT 是 TCP 协议状态转换图中一个经常被误解的状态。一些 socket 会进入这个状态并且保持这个状态相当长的一段时间,如果你有相当多的 socket 处于 TIME_WAIT 状态,那么...
TCP state machine ? TCP protocol can use an operation has 11 kinds of State of the Finite State Machine (Finite State Machine), figure 3-12 describes the Finite State Machine of TCP, the rounded rectangle in figure said State, conversion between arrows indicate State, the States description ...