A finite-state machine (FSM) is not really a machine, but it does have a finite number of states. I've always found finite-state machines easier to understand with graphs and diagrams. For example, the following would be a simplistic diagram for a (very dumb) dog as a state machine:...
makeRedFsm(), makeGreenFsm() and makeBlueFsm() are a factory functions which hold the FSM objects. They configure the Idle and Active states and sets the transition table so that the HandOverEvent sent by the Idle state is routed back to the Idle state of the sender....
In other applications the values on the arcs represent lengths of road segments, and the decision maker's objective is to find the shortest route from the first node to the terminal node. Such a problem is called a shortest-route problem. All deterministic, finite-state, finite-action, finite...
Once the price of oil becomes high, the high cost of electricity makes it difficult to produce goods for export, because goods made with high-priced electricity tend not to be competitive with goods made where the cost of electricity is cheaper. Also, once the cost of oil rises, the price...
In this section, the state transmission diagram is developed to identify the technique that will be used in this study to ER-ID of drones. Two elements are applied which are a circle and an arc. The circle, i.e. the state, represents the available RF-CSs in the path of the drone, ...