ABAP: 通过查询表TSTC或者TSTCT;SAP系统将所有的事务代码都存储在这个表中,包括字开发的Y*和Z* TCODE TEXT 描述 AL11 SAP Directories 文件目录 BD87 Select IDOC and handle 处理IDOC CG3Z Upload file t
Hello, I need to mass upload Sales Org., Distr. Channel, Division and Partner Functions in Sales and Distribution view for the Customer in T-Code 'BP'. Can anybody help,
It will return the nodes to follow for you. SEU Object Browser SHD0 Transaction variant maintenance SM04 Overview of Users (cancel/delete sessions) SM12 Lock table entries (unlock locked tables) SM21 View the system log, very useful when you get a short dump. Provides much more ...
WF01 - workflow: Process Basis - SAP Business Workflow ALE/EDI/ IDOCSTRANSACTIONCODESTransactionCodeDescriptionWE02ListOfAllIdocs Created.(Default,Additional,EDI)WE05ListOfIdocs Created.(Standard,Additional)WE06 Active MonitoringForIdoc Processing.WE07 Idoc Statistics.WE08DisplayViewu201CFile Statusu2...
ABAP 开发 名称 说明 备注 SE37 创建功能模块 SE41 报表状态维护 SE51 屏幕维护 SE54 创建簇表视图 View cluster SE81 Application hierarchy ECC中的全部的组件及相互的关系 SE84 Repository information sy
Reorganization is a process of structuring the database to improve its performance.In most cases we only Reorganize specific tables. For every process followed or
VKU8 RWVKU003 Test Transaction BAPI Count List VKU9 RWVKU004 Rtl Reval. Correction: List Display VKVE RV12D002 WFMC: VKVF RV12D100 Conditions: Dialog Box for CondElem VKVG RV12D101 Maintain Condition Elements VKVI RVVIEWPF General View Maintenance - W.Qualif ...
Hi All, I want to add custom button in the AVL report for FL10G transaction . And then need to implement logic for that button (calling BAPI to create shipment for the