CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK' . ENDIF. CHECK cp_eind NE 'X' AND lt_sokey[] IS NOT INITIAL. * 销售订单自动产生生产订单,对生产订单进行下达 CALL FUNCTION 'Z_RMXPP_PRDORD_RELEASE' * EXPORTING * I_WAIT = 3 TABLES t_sokey = lt_sokey EXCEPTIONS no_saleorders = 1 no_valid...
CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK' . ENDIF. CHECK cp_eind NE 'X' AND lt_sokey[] IS NOT INITIAL.* 销售订单自动产生生产订单,对生产订单进行下达 CALL FUNCTION 'Z_RMXPP_PRDORD_RELEASE'* EXPORTING* I_WAIT = 3 TABLES t_sokey = lt_sokey EXCEPTIONS no_saleorders = 1 no_valid_sale...
I have tried to check the thread , i checked BAPI_1194_SAVEREP_MULTIPLE_GR However, the parameters on BAPI are not the same for the parameters on the fields found on the transaction, especially the parameters when creating operations. Do you have any BAPI to suggest? Thanks Reply All...
printer setting problem, maybe chinese language package to be installed; Please check the device type in SAP , if you use CNSAPWIN, it should be ok.; 我改了设备类型为CNSAPWIN,还是一样的,汉字打成 “#” 如果设置都没问题的话,可能是SAP打印服务程序有问题。我们以前也遇到过,后来请sap的顾问改了...
Any BAPI for Tcode FD32 Former Member 2007 Jun 08 3:34 PM 0 Kudos 3,891 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity Hi Experts, Can anyone please tell me if there is a BAPI for the Tcode FD32 to block a customer who exceeds his credit limit? Thanks Dany...
Check of User-Defined Fields when Using Create and Change BAPI EXIT_SAPLAIST_002 Function Exit Transfer Data for User Subscreens in PBO. EXIT_SAPLAIST_003 Function Exit Transfer of User-Defined Fields to SAP Master Data Transactions CI_ANLU Customizing Include Include structure to add new ...
Sales order change bapi Tcode in SAPSap mass change sales document Tcode in SAPSales order change report Tcode in SAPDefinitionsWhat is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This ...
Please check this FM <b>K40C_DOCUMENT_POST</b>. Hope this will help. Regards, Ferry Lianto Reply Former Member 2007 Aug 09 9:45 AM 0 Kudos 328 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I am trying to use the same bapi but following errors occured: E KI 344 Do not use cost el...
Hi, I want to change or modify fields like resource type , resource category, etc from Tcode : CR02 based on some condition like for a particular plant ,work center and person responsible. Please let me know if there's some BAPI which does this work. Regards, R.NarsinghReply...