Here we would like to draw your attention toBDA4 transaction code in SAP. As we know it is being used in the SAPBC-MID (Middleware in Basis) componentwhich is coming underBC module (BASIS).BDA4 is a transaction code used forSpecify ALE object typesin SAP. ...
1. 在程序中通过AUTHORITY-CHECK OBJECT语句去检查权限对象。2. 使用SE93将需要检查的权限对象直接加在T-Code上面。3. 使用SU22或SU24将需要的权限对象指派到T-Code上。具体看你实际需要了。
SWI14 SAP tcode for – Workflows for Object Type SWI14 tcode in SAP BC (Business Management in Basis) module. This transaction code is used for Workflows for Object Type...
BD51 显示INBOUND FUNCTION(INPUT TYPE决定了是否可以批量维护) BD87 ALE STATUS MONITOR(ALE错误消息) BD62 为IDOC SEGMENT维护CONVERSION RULE BDBG Generate ALE I/F for BAPI BD95 ALE OBJECT TYPE(Define filter object type) 对应表:TBD11 BD96 Assign filter object type to bapi 对应表:TBD16 BDBP Ma...
SE93 - Create T-Code For Progame ME53N - Display Purch.Requstion ME29N - Release OPEX Po CL31 - Find Object In Class Type SE16N - General Table Display SE16 - Data Browser: Inital Screen SE11 - ABAP Dictionary: Initial Screen
Object to Classes 分配对象到多个类 CL21 Display Object in Classes 显示多个类中的对象 CL22 Allocate Class to Classes 分配类到多个类 CL23 Display Class for Classes 显示类别 CL24 Allocate Objects to a Class 分配对象到单个类 CL25 Display Objects in Class 显示类别中的对象 CL2A Classification ...
URL - SAP business workflow URL - BAPIs for Mass Data Transfer URL - BAPI user guide URL - IDOC URL - BAPI programming guide URL - BAPI programming guide reference ABAP Workbench Tansaction Workflow workspace SE37 -建立function module(1) SWO1 - Business Object Builder(create object type)(2...
-> click on 'Create' -> in Start Object Section of the pop up window, please make the appropriate selection -> in case of Module Pool program, enter the Porgram Name and the First Screen of the module pool program -> In GUI Support, check the SAPGUI for Windows if your frontend is...
权限参数文件配置Su53 查看权限对象 st01 跟踪St22 看dump,以分析错误 eg.找到ABAP程序出错的地方,找出founction,用se37查看找到的founction,找到有关权限检查(authority check),找到object,在pfcg中添加object并赋予权限/h debugsu01 建用户ID,TMSADM这个用户不能锁定,它是系统默认的传输用户,SAPSYS也是系统用户,不...
SAP T-code BASIS一些常用的事务代码 Pfcg 角色维护 Su53 查看权限对象 st01 跟踪 St22 看dump,以分析错误 eg.找到ABAP找出程序错误的地方,找出程序错误的地方founction,用se37查看找到的founction,找相关权限检查(authority check),找到object,在pfcg中添加object并赋予权限...