Here we would like to draw your attention toCKMLPROT transaction code in SAP. As we know it is being used in the SAPCO-PC (Product Cost Controlling in CO) componentwhich is coming underCO module (Controlling).CKMLPROT is a transaction code used forDelete Logsin SAP. It comes under the...
Tools->Administration->User Maintenance->Central User Administration->Logs for Central User Administration->Environment->Model Selection SU53 Display Check Object if Not Authorized System->Utilities->Display Authorization Check SU56 Authorizations in the User Buffer for Logged-on User Tools->Administ...
VKXX - Create Test for RKA 创建RKA检測 VKYY - Change Test for RKA 改动RKA測试 VKZZ - Test for RKS-Surcharge Conditions RKS-附加费条件測试 VN03 - Number Assignment for Doc.Conditions 凭证条件的编号分配 VN04 - Number Assignment for Master Conds. 主条件编号分配 VOB3 - Display Plan/Actual ...
VPBD - Requirement for Packing in Delivery 交货中的包装要求 VT00 - Transport processing 运输处理 VT01 - Create shipment 创建发运 VT02 - Change transport 更改运输 VT03 - Display transport 显示运输 VT04 - Worklist Shipping 工作清单发运 VT05 - Worklist Shipping: Logs 工作清单发运:日志 VT07 - ... /nST04 database performance analysis overview ===for role /nsu01 create user id. how to define a gounp? what privilege does the username in a group include ? group ...
FCC3 is a transaction code used for Payment Cards: Delete Logs in SAP. This is commonly used in the component SAP Bank accounting (FI-BL) of the FI module.It comes under the package FBCC.When we execute this transaction code, SAPMS38M is the normal standard SAP program that is being...
DB14 Show SAPDBA Action Logs 显示 SAPDBA 行为记录 DB15 CCMS - Document archiving CCMS - Document archiving OS01 LAN check with ping 通过 ping 检查 LAN OS02 Operating system configuration 操作系统配置 OS03 O/S Parameter changes O/S 参数更改 OS04 Local System Configuration 本地的系统配置 OS...
Split Delivery 拆分发货单 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note 取消发货过账 Extended Mult. Processing Deliveries STO发货单创建 Block Delivery 对因信用控制冻结的发货单解冻 Create shipment 创建发运 VT02N Change shipment VT03N MB5T VF01 VF02 VF03 VF04 取消出具发票凭证 Display shipment 显示发运 Stock...
Frequently used Transaction Codes in BI S.NoTcodeDescription1RSA1Administrator Work Bench2RSA11Calling up AWB with the IC tree3RSA12Calling up AWB with the IS tree4RSA13Calling up AWB with the LG tr…