BALDAT-Application Log: Log data 表体 BALHDR-Application log: log header 表头 我想保持几个月是说的过去的,但是几年的数据都还在,估计是DBA偷懒,所以只能自己动手,丰衣足食了。 使用T-CODE:SLG2,进入删除界面。 因为表头有一个栏位存储了过期日期,所以在删除界面“Expiry Date” 是有连个选项,一个是只...
system manage assistant. it shows all the TCODE of activity about system. /nSA38 the interface of clear the log /nSM02 send a message to all user /nSM12 show the table lock /nSQVI SAP QUERY is a sinple report develop tool.It do not need to program. === 一,SAP系统管理常用到的事务...
Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) S001 - ABAP/4 Development Workbench S002 - System Administration SA38 - Execute a program SCAT - Computer Aided Test Tool SCU0 - Compare Tables SE01 - Old Transport & Corrections screen SE03 - Groups together most of the tools that you need for...
在SAP 中,開啟 [變更檢視「邏輯系統」:概觀]設定。 您可以使用bd54交易碼 (T-Code)。 接受下列出現的警告訊息:注意:資料表為跨用戶端 在顯示現有邏輯系統的清單上方,選取 [新增項目]。 針對新的邏輯系統,輸入Log.System識別碼和簡短的 [名稱]描述。 儲存您的變更。
SAP 稽核記錄監視規則會作為 SAP 解決方案安全性內容的Microsoft Sentinel 的一部分來傳遞,並允許使用SAP_Dynamic_Audit_Log_Monitor_Configuration和SAP_User_Config關注清單進一步微調。例如,下表列出數個範例,說明如何使用 SAP_Dynamic_Audit_Log_Monitor_Configuration 關注清單來設定產生事件的事件類型,以減少產生的事件...
Do you have plans for setting up the workflow (TCODE SWU3)? To start the demo workflow, the "Notification of Absence" (TCODE SWXF). And also configure the application Fiori MyInbox (OData-service TASKPROCESSING). Now when sending a request to the object data, an error occurs: "The tas...
i am still facing this issue i already raised query but did't get any response , when i try to logon from eclipse then popup occurred and ask for user and password and i entered credential but again popup occurred again and again .thanks ...
Here you have the code: If Not IsObject(application) Then Set SapGuiAuto = GetObject("SAPGUI") Set application = SapGuiAuto.GetScriptingEngineEnd IfIf Not IsObject(connection) Then Set connection = application.Children(0)End IfIf Not IsObject(session) Then Set session = connection.Children(...