In this SAP FICO tutorial, you will learn the step-by-step procedure to create a billing document for your business in the SAP system using t-codeVF01with proper screenshots What is a Billing Document? A billing document in SAP refers to the sales invoice, or what a vendor sends to their...
5、Billing DocumentVF04 处理出具发票到期清单 Process Billing Due ListVF11 取消出具发票凭证 Cancel Billing DocumentMM常用T-CODEMM01 创建一般物料 Create Material GeneralMM02 修改一般物料 Change MaterialMM03 显示一般物料 Display Materialmm04 显示修改 6、 Display modifyMK01 建立供应商 Create vendor (Pu...
VFX2 - Display Blocked Billing Documents 显示冻结出具发票凭证 VFX3 - List Blocked Billing Documents 列出冻结的出具发票凭证清单 VGF1 - Create Group of Billing Documents 创建出具发票凭证组 VGF2 - Change group for billing document 改动出具发票凭证组 VGF3 - Display Group of Billing Documents 出具发票...
4、lBillingDocument取消出具发票凭证也也叫叫客客户户主主记记录录 (XD01)(XD01)对因信用控制冻结的发货单解冻创建出具发票凭证更改出具发票凭证显示出具发票凭证处理出具发票到期清单FIFI常常用用T-CODET-CODET-CODET-CODE中中文文描描述述FS00编辑总账科目集中地FSP0编辑总账科目在科目表中FSS0编辑总账科目在公司代...
Here we would like to draw your attention to GM_MLST transaction code in SAP. As we know it is being used in the SAP PSM-GM (Grants Management in PSM) component which is coming under PSM module (Public Sector Management). GM_MLST is a transaction code used for Billing Plan in SAP.It...
VF01创建出具发票凭证Create Billing Document VF02更改出具发票凭证Change Billing Document VF03显示出具发票凭证Display Billing Document VF04处理出具发票到期清单Process Billing Due List VF11取消出具发票凭证Cancel Billing Document SAP中的移动类型 SAP系统中用于标志物料移动(收货/发货/转储/转储记帐)的三位的数字/...
VV32 Change Export Billing Document RWBE Stock Overview VV31 Create Export Billing Document VA01 Create Sales Order MM42 Chang Article VA03 Display Sales Order RWBE Stock Overview VL01N Enter Other Goods Receipts LT03 Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note LT12 Confirm Transfer Order ME5A Displ...
DP91 SAP tcode for – SD: Resource-Related Billing Doc. DP91 tcode in SAP PS (Revenues and Earnings in PS) module. This transaction code is used for SD: Resource-Related Billing... DP80 SAP tcode for – SM: Resource-Related Quotation ...
VSBA tcode in SAP SD (Billing in SD) module. This transaction code is used for Archiving for Self-Billing. Here is... OVD5 SAP tcode for – SD Self-Billing: EDI Partner OVD5 tcode in SAP SD (Billing in SD) module. This transaction code is used for SD Self-Billing: EDI Partner...
List of Delete parked document transaction codes in SAP. CACS_CSBDELPB for CSB-Cust:FM to Delete Parked Version. CACS_CSCDELPV for CSC-Cust:FM to delete parked version. MR44 for Post Parked Document. FR70 for Post Parked Document.