VF01创建出具发票凭证Create Billing Document VF02更改出具发票凭证Change Billing Document VF03显示出具发票凭证Display Billing Document VF04处理出具发票到期清单Process Billing Due List VF11取消出具发票凭证Cancel Billing Document SAP中的移动类型 SAP系统中用于标志物料移动(收货/发货/转储/转储记帐)的三位的数字/...
VF01 Create Billing Document VF02 Change Billing Doc Service - Return Processing SU3 Maintain User Profile WPMI POS Outbound: Initialization WPMA Direct request for POS outbound WPER POS Interface Monitor WPMU Creating Change Message WE02 Displaying Created IDocs in POS Monitor MM42 Chang Article VD...
4、160; Delivery运单维护VT01N 创建发运 Create shipmentVT02N 更改发运 Change shipmentVT03N 显示发运 Display shipmentMB5T 显示在途库存 Stock view发票创建 VF01 创建出具发票凭证 Create Billing DocumentVF02 更改出具发票凭证 Change Billing DocumentVF03 显示出具发票凭证 Display ...
sales-shipping-billing VA01 -建立销售订单 VA05 -销售订单清单 VL01N -建立含订单参考的对客户交货 VL02N -更改对客户交货 VL10A-交货到期的销售单 LT03 -由交货注记以建立TO VF01 -创建出具发票凭证 VF05 -列出请款文件 VF04 -处理请款到期清单 FB03 -显示文件 VA05 -销售订单清单 XD02 -更改客户(集...
SE03 - Groups together most of the tools that you need for doing transports. In total,more than 20 tools can be reached from this one transaction. SE06 Set Up Workbench Organizer 设置工作台组织器 SE07 Transport System Status Display 传输系统状态显示 ...
Communication Interfaces URL - Remote Communications URL - ALE programming guide URL - about sap customer exits URL - RFC programming in abap URL - how to create a global class URL - SAP business workflow URL - BAPIs for Mass Data Transfer URL - BAPI user guide URL - IDOC URL - BAPI pr...
view 显示在途库存 发票创建 Create Billing Document 创建出具发票凭证 Change Billing Document 更改出具发票凭证 Display Billing Document 显示出具发票凭证 Process Billing Due List 处理出具发票到期清单 VF11 Cancel Billing Document T-CODE中文描述英文描述 FS00编辑总账科目集中地 FSP0编辑总账科目在科目表中 FSS0...
VL31N Create Inbound Delivery VT04 Create shipment - collective VL32N Change Inbound Delivery VL09Reverse PGI ME51N Create PR VF01Create Billing ME52N Change PR VF02Change Billing ME54N Release PR VF21Create Invoice List ME55Release PR - Collective VF21Change Invoice List ME31K Create Contrac...
VF01 SAPMV60A Create Billing Document VF02 SAPMV60A Change Billing Document VF03 SAPMV60A Display Billing Document VF04 SDBILLDL Maintain Billing Due List VF05 SAPMV65A List Billing Documents VF06 RV60SBAT Batch billing VF07 SAPMV60A Display bill. document from archive VF08 GNBILLDL Billing ...