FB03 -显示文件 MRKO -结算托售(设定负债) MR91 -发票验证讯息 SP01 -输出控制器 cross-company purchasing ME31K -建立契约 ME51N -建立请购 ME57 -指派并处理请购单 ME21N -建立采购单 ME33K -显示契约 MIGO -物料异动 MB03 -显示物料文件 MIRO -输入发票 MRBR -核发冻结发票 份额指派(一种物料采购...
table T061R FARI AR Interface: Third-party applicatns FARY Table T061SFARZ Table T061VFAX1 BC sampkSAPDE 2.1FAX2 BC sample 2 SAP DE 2.1FBOO Accou nti ng Editi ng Optio nsFB01 Post Docume ntFB02 Cha nge Docume ntFB03 Disp 26、lay Docume ntFB03Z Display Docume nt/Payme nt Usage...
IDCNFB03 : Display Document IDCNGRIR_BNG : GR/IR Clearing for BNG (China) IDCNODNADJ : ODN Adjustment Program IDCNCASH : Cash Flow Statement (China) ADJNR : Number range maintenance: ADJNR IDCN_FSC_EXP_IMP : Financial statment export and import ...
FB03显示 FB04显示修改 FB08冲销 FB09更改行项目 F.80批量冲销 *** 发票: FB50输入总帐科目凭证 FB60输入供应商发票 FB70输入客户发票 *** 预付款及清帐: F-48供应商预收F-54清 帐 F-29客户预付F-39清帐 *** 付款: F-53供应商...
|||---DisplayFB03 |||---DisplaychangesFB04 |||---ResetcleareditemsFBRA |||--Reverse ||| |||---IndividualdocumentsFB08 |||---MassreversalF.80 ||| |||--Parkeddocuments ||| |||---Post/deleteFBV0 |||---ChangeFBV2 |||-...
Now I want to write the corresponding field's F1 description and screen field name in the same excel sheet under two different columns. But I am not sure what tcode to look. Because I am not finding all the fields in invoice documents. I am searching tcodes Miro(MIR4), FB03 and all...
1、SAP 常用 T-CodeSAP 2007-10-31 21:42:12 阅读 373 评论 2 字号:大中小 订阅 ZPPC_ALL - My ToolsZBC41 -维护表ZGENNO 中的记录ZPPC15 - 查找开发类下对应的对像及对象AUTH_DISPLAY_OBJECTS -显示启用中的权限对象ZZSEARCH - Search for String From Source Code程序分析SLIN - ABAP程序语法核查...
SAP T-Code FI 1 1FI财务会计 1.1FI财务会计 FinancialAccounting 财务会计 事务码描述 FB99CheckifDocumentscanbeArchived检查凭证是否可归档 FRCASettlementcalendar结算日历 FSF1FinancialCalendar会计日历 OBCZCFIMaintainTableT021ECFI维护表T021E OBF5CFImaint.tableT042OFI/T042OFITCFI维护表T042OFI/T...
移动类型309FK10N更改物料类型FBL5n343-TF冻结的到非限制;344-非限制冻结的业务处理FBL1N扩展库存fb03修改物料价格FSE2定义valuationclassfbra物料类型的属性fb02FBL3n 采购订单组合交货字段比较选择:移动类型-G/L科目fb01物料凭证fb50创建内向交货单KOB3内向交货单aiab内向交货清单aw01nBOM组件的用量展开报表KKAO...
I_DOC_DISP_LI Diversion to Document Items (FB03) I_FB08_SUBST_BUDAT FB08: Check Posting Date for Reversal of FI Doc. with FB08 I_GET_INV_PYMT_AMT BAdI for determining the payment amount for an invoice I_HEADER_SUB_1300 Screen Enhancement for Document Header SAPMF05A I_PAYREF_BADI_...