26、lay Docume ntFB03Z Display Docume nt/Payme nt UsageFB04 Docume nt Cha ngesFB05 Post with Cleari ngFB05_OLD Post with cleari ngFB07 Control TotalsFB08 Reverse Docume ntFB09 Cha nge Line ItemsFB10 In voice/Credit Fast En tryFB11 Post Held Docume ntFB12 Request from Corresp ondenceFB...
SAP财务Tcode总结obibparametertransactionforvtfagmvtfagm参数事务obw3instructionsinpaymenttransactions付款业务中的指令obwrcfimaintaintablefediwf1cfi维护表fediwf1obf3bankselectioncurrentsetting银行选择当前设置 SAP财务Tcode总结 FB99 Check if Documents can be Archived 检查凭证是否可归档FRCA Settlement calendar 结算...
So here are the 40 most-used transaction codes in SAP ECC. Take a look and make sure you’re not missing out on anything. By the way, if you’ve ever wondered how the SAP transaction codes (t-codes) get their designations, they usually start with two letters (though not always) der...
统计SAP用户在一段时间内使用了哪些tcode的报表,按用户,时间,统计出使用的次数,以便以统计事务码使用的频率,及是否还在使用中。 源码: zbctcode 部份代码摘要 ABAP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ...
FB05 Post with Clearing结算记帐 FB10 Invoice/Credit Fast Entry发票/贷项凭证快速输入 FB13 Release for Payments收付下达 FB1D Clear Customer结算客户 FB1K Clear Vendor结算供应商 FBA1 Customer Down Payment Request客户预付定金请求 FBA2 Post Customer Down Payment客户预付订金记帐 FBA3 Clear Customer Down...
SAP T-Code FI 1 1FI财务会计 1.1FI财务会计 FinancialAccounting 财务会计 事务码描述 FB99CheckifDocumentscanbeArchived检查凭证是否可归档 FRCASettlementcalendar结算日历 FSF1FinancialCalendar会计日历 OBCZCFIMaintainTableT021ECFI维护表T021E OBF5CFImaint.tableT042OFI/T042OFITCFI维护表T042OFI/T...