TCM-Mesh: The database and analytical system for network pharmacology analysis for TCM preparations. Sci Rep. 2017; 7:2821.Zhang, R. Z., Yu, S. J., Bai, H. & Ning, K. TCM-Mesh: The database and analytical system for network pharmacology analysis for TCM preparations. Sci. Rep. 7...
In this work, we have proposed the TCM-Mesh platform, which was designed as an integration of database and a data-mining system for network pharmacology analysis of TCM preparations. The TCM-Mesh system has realized the network pharmacology analysis in a comprehensive, one-stop manner. Thus it...
In this work, we have proposed the TCM-Mesh system, which records TCM-related information collected from various resources and could serve for network pharmacology analysis for TCM preparations in a high-throughput manner ( Currently, the database contains...
TCMBank是目前(发表文章时)规模最大、可免费下载的非商业中医药数据库。 TCMBank以mol2格式提供草药成分的3D结构,并提供与外部公共数据库的交叉引用链接,如CAS、DrugBank、PubChem、MeSH、OMIM、DO、ETCM、HERB等。 图3. TCMBank构建流程 图3a:与其他数据库的数据规模对比 图3b:用户可通过其网站自由探索草药、成分...
ingredients with connection information is 54,676, and the average number of connection edges of herbs is 5.26. TCMBank provides 3D structures of herbal ingredients in mol2 format and provides cross-reference links to external public databases, such as CAS, DrugBank, PubChem, MeSH, OMIM, DO, ...
外文数据库选择“主题词+自由词”的检索方式,英文检索采用“(((technetium Tc 99m pyrophosphate[MeSH Terms]) OR (Tc-PYP)) OR (99mTc-pyrophosphate)) AND ((single photon emission computed tomography computed tomography[MeSH ...
如ETCM、(7)SymMap、(8)TCMID、(9)TCM- id、(10)TCM Database@Taiwan、(11)TCM- mesh、(12)YaTCM、(13)和TCMSP(14)都提供了全面的中医方剂/草药-成分-靶点-途径/疾病关联等相关信息,其中SymMap还独特地提供了中医症状、草药和现代医学使用的症状之间的关联,TCMSP还给出了中药成分的吸收、分布、代谢、排泄(...
外文数据库选择“主题词+自由词”的检索方式,英文检索采用“(((technetium Tc 99m pyrophosphate[MeSH Terms]) OR (Tc-PYP)) OR (99mTc-pyrophosphate)) AND ((single photon emission computed tomography computed tomography[MeSH ...
Users can access the database via the web interface. Thick arrow indicates the basic work flow of TCMGeneDIT. Full size image Literature corpus annotation The TCM names, gene names, MeSH disease terms, TCM ingredients and effects were used to annotate the literature corpus. All words were ...
TCMBank从已有的中医相关数据库(TCMID、TCMSP、SymMap、TCM-ID、HERB和ETCM)和公开数据库(OMIM, HGNC, MeSH, ENsembl, DO, HPO等)中添加了外部的交叉引用链接。为了保证TCMBank的可靠性,所有信息在更新到数据库之前都必须经过至少两次人工验证。 除此之外,作者针对中西药之间可能发生的不良反应,设计了一个新颖算法...