TCM fingerprint databaseTraditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been used to prevent, treat and diagnose diseases for 5,000 years under the guidance of TCM theories. TCM fingerprinting technology, as the model of the quality control of TCM, promotes the application of TCM all over the world. ...
TCM Database@Taiwan: The World’s Largest TraditionalChinese Medicine Database for Drug Screening In SilicoCalvin Yu-Chian Chen 1,2,3 *1School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, 2Department of Bioinformatics, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan, 3Department ofComputational...
想从TCM database@台湾网站上下载小分子做虚拟筛选,已经下载了小分子的3D结构,但是下载不了小分子名称...
Rapid advancing computational technologies have greatly speeded up the development of computer-aided drug design (CADD). Recently, pharmaceutical companies have increasingly shifted their attentions toward traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for novel lea
In the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), two key aspects are determining the active ingredients in herbs and elucidating the mechanism of action between the active ingredients and targets. The construction of a comprehensive and highly-reliability TCM database is highly desirable. ...
Virtual screening of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) database: identification of fragment-like lead molecules for filariasis target asparaginyl-tRNA syn... Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a vector borne infectious disease caused by the nematode Wuchereria bancrofti , Brugia malayi , and Brugia tim...
台湾TCM Database@Taiwan 数据库是不是封了,想查药物成分
TCM Database@Taiwan is currently the world's largest non-commercial TCM database. This web-based database contains more than 20,000 pure compounds isolated from 453 TCM ingredients. Both cdx (2D) and Tripos mol2 (3D) formats of each pure compound in the database are available for download...
ChinatraditionalChineseMedicine(TCM)PatentDatabase YanhuaiLiu * ,YanlingSun PatentDataResearchandDevelopmentCenter,TheIntellectualPropertyPublishingHouse,StateIntellectualPropertyOfficeofthePRChina,No.6, XituchengRoad,HaidianDistrict,Beijing100088,China Abstract ThedeepindexedChinaTraditionalChineseMedicine(TCM)Patent...
The deep indexed China Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Patent Database was established by the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) of PR China. The purpose of creating this database was mainly to meet the need of patent examination. The database has already been put to use in the pat...