在tcl中写入for循环for list 在Tcl(Tool Command Language)中,for循环是一种常用的控制结构,用于遍历列表(list)中的元素。下面我将详细介绍for循环在Tcl中的基本概念、优势、类型、应用场景,以及如何解决常见问题。 基本概念 Tcl的for循环语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 for {init} {test} {incr} {body} { # ...
在Tcl(Tool Command Language)中,for循环是一种常用的控制结构,用于遍历列表(list)中的元素。下面我将详细介绍for循环在Tcl中的基本概念、优势、类型、应用场景,以及如何解决常见问题。 基本概念 Tcl的for循环语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 for {init} {test} {incr} {body} { # 循环体 } ...
{ puts "In the for loop, and i == $i"} Output: In the for loop, and i == 0 In the for loop, and i == 1 In the for loop, and i == 2 In the for loop, and i == 3 In the for loop, and i == 4 In the for loop, and i == 5 In the for loop, and i == 6...
16、j expr $j+$i puts $j ppcornlocalhost ppcorn$ ./fortest.tcl Please input a number: 10 45 五foreach foreach命令循环执行一个命令体,每次将一个或多个列表中的值赋给一个或多个变量,一般的语法为: foreach loopVar valuelist commandBody. 关于列表的用法,将在下面讲到。 看这个程序ppcornlocal...
Foreach foreach 命令循环整个命令主体,并将循环变量指定给列表中的每个值。语法如下: foreach loopVar valueList commandBody 第一个参数是变量名。命令主体对循环中的每个元素运行一次,且循环变量有列表中的连续值。例如: set numbers {1 3 5 7 11 13} ...
16、ch 命令循环执行一个命令体,每次将一个或多个列表中的值赋给一个或多个变量,一 般的语法为:foreach loopVar valuelist commandBody. 关于列表的用法,将在下面讲到。看这个程序ppcornlocalhost ppcorn$ cat foreachtest.tcl#!/usr/bin/tclsh# This program used to test foreachforeach value 1 3 2 ...
Returns surface and element free and non-manifold edge loop entities. The return is a "list of loops". Each loop is an ordered list of either surface edge or element node IDs that define each loop. The first value in each loop list is the loop type. The remaining values are the ordere...
breakin TCL modules now breaks out of looks. It only stops the evaluation of the current module when outside a loop. Many fixes to sh_to_module script and source_sh() function to better handle Support for depends_on(between()) repaired. ...
For example, i deleted channel number 5 which is fx hd then the list goes like that 1,2,3,4,6.. when i try to change another channel number to 5. It says there is already channel with number 5 however there is not. How... Meilion Thread Nov 23, 2023 channel configuration delete...
for name, url in url_list: # 创建线程,让每个线程都去执行task函数(参数不同) t = threading.Thread(target=task, args=(name, url)) t.start() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.