Example 4.3: for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i 1} { puts "In the for loop, and i == $i"} Output: In the for loop, and i == 0 In the for loop, and i == 1 In the for loop, and i == 2 In the for loop, and i == 3 In the for loop, and i == 4 In the...
For example, i deleted channel number 5 which is fx hd then the list goes like that 1,2,3,4,6.. when i try to change another channel number to 5. It says there is already channel with number 5 however there is not. How... Meilion Thread Nov 23, 2023 channel configuration delete...
To get all closed free (Bit1) edge loops for the displayed elements: *createmark elems 1 displayed hm_getedgeloops elems markid=1 looptype=2 坚持每天学习,时间会证明一切,加油!
For example, an oscilloscope may have up to four channels and a signal generator up to two channels. Applications ranging from mixed-signal test in the electronic industry to laser spectroscopy in the sciences require timing and synchronization (T&S) for higher-count channels and/or the need to...
NOTE − You can terminate an infinite loop by pressing Ctrl + C keys. Tcl - Arrays An array is a systematic arrangement of a group of elements using indices. The syntax for the conventional array is shown below. set ArrayName(Index) value An example for creating simple array is shown...
restriction. There are many types of USB drives, from large external hard drives to smaller thumb drives. It is important to note that different drives have different power requirements – for example, some USB hard drives have an external power adapter that must be connected to a po...
For example, an oscilloscope may have up to four channels and a signal generator up to two channels. Applications ranging from mixed-signal test in the electronic industry to laser spectroscopy in the sciences require timing and synchronization (T&S) for higher-count channels and/or the need to...
Example for{seti0}{$i<10}{incri}{puts"Iinsidefirstloop:$i"}for{seti3}{$i<2}{incri}{puts"Iinsidesecondloop:$i"}puts"Start"seti0while{$i<10}{puts"Iinsidefirstloop:$i"incriputs"Iafterincr:$i"}seti0incri#Thisisequivalentto:seti[expr{$i+1}]...
loop for nonblocking output to work; otherwise Tcl never finds out that the file or device is ready for more output data. It is possible for an arbitrarily large amount of data to be buffered for a channel in nonblocking mode, which could consume a large amount of memory. To avoid ...