1. 构建了TCF-1条件性敲除鼠,实现了在Treg细胞中敲除TCF-1的目的。 2. 对flox和control鼠的肠系膜淋巴结中的Treg细胞进行分选,并进行了单细胞RNA测序(scRNA-seq)。根据Klf2和T细胞活化标记对Treg细胞进行分类,分析了每个类群的基因和信号通路。 3. 通过在脾细胞中表达TMEV的VP2,将该脾细胞与正常的脾细胞按1:1...
通过对比具有缺失TCF-1 Treg细胞的肠息肉模型小鼠与具有正常TCF-1表达 Treg细胞的对照组肠息肉模型小鼠,研究人员发现,在直肠与小肠中,具有缺失TCF-1 Treg细胞的肠息肉模型小鼠的息肉/肿瘤数量与严重性都有明显的增加。 更为重要的是,研究人员发现在直肠癌病人组织【8】的Treg细胞中TCF-1的表达量要明显低于这些病人...
在TCF-1缺陷的Treg中,不论是TCF-1结合的还是TCF-1+Foxp3都结合的分子表达水平明显升高,这表明这些基因可能在Treg中受TCF-1调控(d),进一步用Chip-seq确认了染色质的开放程度(e)。 进一步通过流式确认表型发现Treg的激活表型增加(CD69、ICOS、PD-1、CD44等)(a),TCF-1的缺失...
TCF-1缺失并没有改变Treg细胞簇的空间分布或数量(图4a),但确实表明相对于分化较低的簇,Maf和Ikzf2 Treg细胞簇中的细胞频率可能增加(图4a)。在所有Treg细胞簇中,Maf、Ccr9和Hsph1的表达都有显著变化,但Ifn簇除外(图4b)。因此,在整...
TCF-1-deficient Treg-cells strongly suppressed T-cell proliferation and cytotoxicity, but were compromised in controlling CD4+ T-cell polarization and inflammation. In mice with polyposis, Treg cell-specific TCF-1 deficiency promoted tumor growth. Consistently, tumor-infiltrating Treg cells of ...
The transcription factor TCF-1 is essential for the development and function of regulatory T (Treg) cells; however, its function is poorly understood. Here, we show that TCF-1 primarily suppresses transcription of genes that are co-bound by Foxp3. Single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis identified ...
Authors - Liang Zhang View Article human WB Front Med (Lausanne) IL-7-Treated Periodontal Ligament Cells Regulate Local Immune Homeostasis by Modulating Treg/Th17 Cell Polarization. Authors - Xin-Yi Yu View ArticleSee more citationsProteintech North America (HQ) Proteintech Group, Inc 5500 Pearl ...
由上图可知,Treg可以分为三类,CD25hi,CD25low以及增殖类的C10r。各亚群特异性的分子如B所示。 很明显如上图,Tet+细胞表现出更多的Teff和Tfh表型(~40%),而Tet-细胞则表现出更多的Naive 表型。 如上图所示, c13感染的小鼠TCF1+细胞...
Adoptive transfer and antigen specific treg assessment Naive CD4+ T cells were isolated from CD45.1+Rag1−/−OT-II mice and 1×106 of these cells were injected i.v. into WT or Tcf7fl/flVavCre recipients. One day later, mice were provided with OVA at 4 mg/mL ad libitum in drinkin...
Conventional CD4 T cells and Treg cells were sorted by a BD FACS Aria Fusion (BD Biosciences). Endothelial cell-related data were acquired on a BD FACSCanto II, CD31+ MECA79- ECs, and CD31+MECA79+ HEV cells were sorted with a BD FACSAria III (BD Biosciences). Results were analyzed ...