最近读到了一篇超低功耗实现有源的MΩ级别电阻的纯模拟IC设计文章,其中的设计方法和思路、公式推导很有意思,下面给出学习笔记。 文章来源:M. Cavallaro and G. Nicollini, "An Active Resistor for Ultra Low Power Applications," inIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers,vol. 70, no....
近日,我校光电学院本科生张思远在集成电路工程系光电融合芯片实验室谭旻研究员的指导下,在国际电路与系统领域顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers(TCAS-I)上发表论文,论文题为“AnEight-Channel Switching...
近日,光电院大四本科生吴加隽同学在集成电路工程系王超研究员的指导下,其研究工作被国际电路与系统领域顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers(TCAS-I)接收,论文题目为“Efficient Design of Spiking Neural ...
近日,电子科技大学英才实验学院2017级本科生李思旭在信息与通信工程学院周军教授指导下,在电路与系统领域顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – Part I (TCAS-I)上发表题为“A Fast and Energy-Efficient SNN Processor With Adaptive Clock/Event-Driven Computation Scheme and Online Learning”的论文。
近日,我校英才实验学院2017级本科生李思旭在信息与通信工程学院周军教授指导下,在电路与系统领域顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – Part I (TCAS-I)上发表题为“A Fast and Energy-Efficient SNN Processor With Adaptive Clock/Event-Driven Computation Scheme and Online Learning”的论文。李思旭...
近日,电路与系统领域顶级期刊IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS发表了电子科技大学电动汽车动力系统与安全技术研究所的最新工作“Adaptive Fast fault location for open-switch faults of voltage source inverter”。该工作在科技部“新能源汽车”重点专项的支持下,研究了一种基于电压模型的快速...
the past decade, it still requires considerable efforts to accomplish implementations that are energy-efficient and high-performance for systems in diverse computing applications. Authors are invited to submit Regular papers following the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-...
the past decade, it still requires considerable efforts to accomplish implementations that are energy-efficient and high-performance for systems in diverse computing applications. Authors are invited to submit Regular papers following the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-...
整体来看,依然是仅次于JSSC的一流期刊(IC 理论技术 实现方法这一方向)。虽然对情梦课题组在上面刷...
有没有人了解或者投过IEEE transaction on circuits and sysstems的虫友,这个期刊的档次怎么样?难度大...