投稿网址: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcas1. 5审稿周期 《IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers》审稿周期约需要3-6周(非官方)。 6 版面费 根据官网显示《IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers》支持开放获取,发表文章需要支付版面费2495美元。 05收录情况 ...
近日,我校光电学院本科生张思远在集成电路工程系光电融合芯片实验室谭旻研究员的指导下,在国际电路与系统领域顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers(TCAS-I)上发表论文,论文题为“AnEight-Channel Switching...
《IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers(TCAS-I)》近日在线刊发了华中科技大学集成电路学院毕晓君教授团队关于硅基宽带高线性驱动放大器的最新研究成果“A Linear High-Efficiency Distributed Power Amplifier Utilizing Class-AB and Inverse-Class-C Complementary Structure”。我院博士研究生盛...
期刊网址:https://ieee-cas.org/pubs/tcas1 出版商网址:http://www.ieee.org 简介 期刊简称IEEE T CIRCUITS-I 参考译名《IEEE电路与系统汇刊I》 核心类别SCIE(2022版), 目次收录(超星),外文期刊, IF影响因子3.605 自引率16.00% 主要研究方向工程技术-ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC工程:电子与电气 ...
TCAS I publishes regular papers in the field specified by the theory, analysis, design, and practical implementations of circuits, and the application of circuit techniques to systems and to signal processing. Included is the whole spectrum from basic scientific theory to industrial applications. The...
日前,我院毕晓君老师课题组在国际电路与系统领域顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers(T-CAS I)上发表论文,论文题目为“Analysis and Design of Ultra-Large Dynamic Range CMOS Transimpedance Amplifier With Automatically-Controlled Multi-Current-Bleeding Paths”[1]。该论文介绍了...
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers(TCAS-I)创刊于1952年,是IEEE电路与系统协会(IEEE Circuits and Systems Society)旗舰期刊。IEEE Transactions涵盖了所有集成电路与系统相关领域研究。根据Web of Science的数据,2020年影响因子为3.61。该期刊编委成员包括了来自美国、日本、...
(i) conform to TCAS-I’s formatting requirements and page count; (ii) incorporate no less than 50% of new (unpublished) technical material; (iii) be submitted online at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcas1. Please select “Special Issue on Emerging Computing Paradigms” when submitting a ...