Further investigation of polymorphisms in the 5' and 3' UTRs of tbx21may provide additional insights into the gene's role in NNV resistance.doi:10.1007/s42995-024-00234-0Joey Wonggrid.4280.e0000 0001 2180 6431Temasek Life Sciences LaboratoryNational University of Singapore 117604 Singapore ...
HGNC ID HGNC:11599 別稱 T-bet, TBLYM 位點類型 gene with protein product 染色體位置 17q21.32 基因家族 T-boxes HCOP Orthology Predictions for TBX21From HGNC TBX21 試劑 All TBX21 Reagents TBX21 cDNA Clones TBX21 基因家族 T-boxes TBX21 基因家族內其他分子相關蛋白和抗體試劑 ...
提供的TBX21人源重组蛋白(P01)产品为带有GST标签的人源TBX21全长序列重组蛋白,其对应的GeneID号为30009。 产品描述 与其它公司提供的重组蛋白不同,该TBX21人源全长重组蛋白(P01)产品为采用CFS的无细胞麦胚蛋白合成系统表达出来的重组蛋白,可表达出对细胞有毒性、易被蛋白酶降解的蛋白;并获得具有良好的可溶性,并有...
因此,在本试验群体中,TBX21基因的rs110420592和rs207725545两个位点与产奶性状和体细胞数无显著关联,后续需要扩大群体对TBX21基因的其他位点进行遗传效应分析。关键词:中国荷斯坦奶牛;泌乳性状;TBX21基因;SNP;关联分析 中图分类号:S813.3文献标志码:A论文编号:casb15050173 Genetic Effects of TBX21Gene ...
展开更多 In order to more in-depth understanding of TBX21 gene protein structure and function and its associated with the genetic disease,this study for the purpose of cattle TBX21 gene,the basic physical and chemical properties,of its coding protein hydrophobic/hydrophilic,prot...MORE 作者 米...
Results both T/C allelic probe of TBX21 gene T-1993 site bind to an unknown factor specifically, and C allele has significantly stronger affinity than T allele; the expression of T-bet and Th1 polarization related cytokine IFN-γ decreased significantly from TT genotype to TC type and from ...
产品介绍This gene is a member of a phylogenetically conserved family of genes that share a common DNA-binding domain, the T-box. T-box genes encode transcription factors involved in the regulation of developmental processes. This gene is the human ortholog of mouse Tbx21/Tbet gene. Studies in...
背景资料TBX21(T-Box 21),also called TBET,is a protein that in humans is encoded by the TBX21 gene.This gene is a member of a phylogenetically conserved family of genes that share a common DNA-binding domain,the T-box.Zhang and Yang(2000) mapped the mouse Tbx21 gene to chromosome 11D...
TBX21 is a transcription factor that drives the Th1 immune response primarily through promoting expression of the IFN-γ gene. TBX21 initiates TH1 lineage development from naive TH precursor cells both by activating TH1 genetic programs and by repressing the opposing TH2 programs. It has also been...