Although Runx3 is required for the specification of the CD8+ T-cell fate in the thymus, its function in mature CD8+ T cells remains poorly defined. While CD8+ T-cell cytolytic activity is reduced in the absence of Runx3, this defect has been attributed to the role of Runx3 in driving...
T-bet属于T-box转录因子家族,是调节Th细胞分化的T细胞特异性转录因子,也是CD8+初始T细胞分化为CTL的关键调节因子.T细胞T-bet蛋白水平的下降与机体对一些病毒感染的反应性降低有关,例如HIV感染以及土拨鼠肝炎病毒(woodchuck hepatitis virus, WHV)感染;而T细胞T-bet蛋白水平的升高与炎症反应的结局相关,例如Th1介导的肠炎...
T-bet是Th1特异性转录调节因子,属T-box蛋白家族成员。T-bet上调IFN-γ转 录和IL-12Rβ2表达,提高T细胞对IL-12信号传递的敏感性,从而促进初始Th细胞 分化为Th1细胞 [1] 。目前已发现在人体CD4+T细胞、NK细胞、CD8+效应T细胞中 表达T-bet,且与宿主炎症反应、抗病原体免疫应答关系密切 ...