anegative skin test doesn’t rule out TB infection in persons who are immunosuppressed since they are unable to initiate an adequate response to the skin tests 消极皮肤反应测验在是immunosuppressed的人不排除TB传染,因为他们无法创始对皮肤反应测验的一个充分反应[translate]...
A negative skin test means you probably do not have a TB infection, or you have recently been infected and your body has not had time to develop a positive reaction to the skin test A blood test can show if you have antibodies to the TB bacteria in your blood. These tests, also ...
The “two-step” TB skin test (PDF 130KB) involves a first step and reading as described above, and then it is repeated again, at least 1-4 weeks later* if the first TB skin test was negative. This step also requires you to return in 48-72 hours to have it read. If either the...
IGRAs对结核潜伏感染的诊断价值:结核病潜伏感染尚未有诊断金标准,目前结核病潜伏感染诊断主要依据IGRAs检测和结核菌素皮肤试验 (Tuberculin skin test, TST) 。TST试验是将结核分枝杆菌蛋白纯化衍生物 (Purified protein derivative, PPD) 注射到受试者皮肤表层,在注射48-72小时后根据受试者皮肤表面产生的硬结大小来判定...
If you don’t have a reaction (or if you have a very small one), your test is negative. You don't have TB germs in your body. But if you were infected recently, yourimmune systemmay not react to the skin test yet. In that case, your doctor may want you to have another TB ski...
IGRAs对结核潜伏感染的诊断价值:结核病潜伏感染尚未有诊断金标准,目前结核病潜伏感染诊断主要依据IGRAs检测和结核菌素皮肤试验(Tuberculin skin test, TST)。TST试验是将结核分枝杆菌蛋白纯化衍生物(Purified protein derivative, PPD)注射到受试...
The TB skin test is a widely used test. There are known circumstances that can lead to false negative and false positive test results. There are several factors that can contribute to false positive test results, in which a person has a positive test result despite not having an infection. ...
test, 可以选一种). 如果positive, 就X-ray。 我老公因为上学和工作的原因,做过 三次skin test,都是positive,但三次X-ray都是negative。有一次医生给开了药,他 还吃了。现要递485,体检TB时拿着以前TB skin test 结果,直接X-ray,还是啥都不 说,先做skin test 或blood test, 然后X-...
What does a negative TB test look like after 48 hours? If the area of skin where you received the PPD injection isn't swollen or is only slightly swollen 48 to 72 hours after the injection, the test results are negative. A negative result means that you mostlikely haven't been infected...
youhaveaweakimmunesystem.YourdoctormaycheckforTBifyourskintest isnegative,butyoustillhavesigns. Tuberculosis(TB).SimplifiedChinese. 1 肺结核(TB) 肺结核是由一种最常影响肺脏、称为细菌的微生物引起。当您呼吸进细菌 时,您可能会感染肺结核。如果您的免疫系统较弱,您罹患肺结核的风险 ...