网络释义 1. 只有在结核皮试阳性 什么意思_英语tb... ... TB skin test 测试positive TB skin test只有在结核皮试阳性TB Mantoux Test 是否进行过肺结核检验 ...|基于20个网页
因为入学或者申请移民,都会被要求做TB Skin Test。 如Skin Test阳性,要求做X-RAY 检查,如X-RAY阴性,就认为是正常了。 你宝宝的TB 检查结果可能会如下: 1.TB Skin Test positive , X-RAY negative。这是大多数中国人的结果。特别提醒...
If you have a positive skin test, you will need a medical examination and chest x-ray to be sure you are not sick with tuberculosis. Your doctor may want to put you on some medication to prevent inactive TB from turning into active TB. If you have had a positive test, it is importan...
TB Skin Testing Results If you have a raised, hard bump or there's swelling on your arm, you have a positive test. That means TB germs are in your body. But it doesn't always mean you have active tuberculosis disease. Your doctor may do more tests to be sure. These could includeblo...
test, 可以选一种). 如果positive, 就X-ray。 我老公因为上学和工作的原因,做过 三次skin test,都是positive,但三次X-ray都是negative。有一次医生给开了药,他 还吃了。现要递485,体检TB时拿着以前TB skin test 结果,直接X-ray,还是啥都不 说,先做skin test 或blood test, 然后X-...
A positive skin test means you have been infected with TB bacteria at some point. A negative skin test means you probably do not have a TB infection, or you have recently been infected and your body has not had time to develop a positive reaction to the skin test A blood test can ...
The TB skin test is a widely used test. There are known circumstances that can lead to false negative and false positive test results. There are several factors that can contribute to false positive test results, in which a person has a positive test result despite not having an infection. ...
Four Employees Test Positive for TBHealth officials said four positive TB skin tests have been found among employees of the Springs Industries White Plant in Fort Mill, S.C. About 100 ...
At the Preventive Health Clinic, anyone who thinks he or she might have been exposed to Tuberculosis can request a skin test. If the result is positive, the clinic offers a full range of testing, education, and any necessary treatments at affordable rates. ...
We also offer chest x-rays for anyone who is PPD positive (TB skin test positive) at a discounted rate. What is the tuberculosis skin test (TB skin test)? A TB skin test is used to determine if a person has developed an immune response to the Tuberculosis bacteria. This can occur if...