网络税务中立 网络释义 1. 税务中立 计处理及规范制度的影响,而以税务中立(tax-neutral),即不增加额外税捐负担|基于2个网页
网络税收中性;税收转移的方式取得的;中性税收 网络释义 1. 税收中性 经济全球化对国际税收制度有积极推动作用,它推动税制协调发展,鼓励各国拓宽税基,降低税率,朝着“税收中性”(Tax Neutral…|基于3个网页 2. 税收转移的方式取得的 ...人在医疗保险费用上的补助是在已有的税收框架内,通过...
Tax-neutral Downstream Merger with Non-German ShareholdersLudmilla MaurerSonja G. KleinDr. Dr. Norbert MuecklDr. Christian Port
(tax neutral jurisdiction)设立单机单船特殊目的公司(SPV)。在飞机经营 ...ppt,前言 传统上,涉及到中国境内的借款人或者承租人的跨境飞机、船舶融资或租赁都会选择在境外的税收中立地区(tax neutral jurisdiction)设立单机单船特殊目的公司(SPV)。在飞机经营租赁交易中,
Tax-Neutral Contributions in Kind of Business Units Share-for-Share Transactions Foreign Reorganizations with a Connection to the German Tax Net 4. Tax Accounting Provisions in German Income Tax Law Specific Features of Tax Accounting in Germany 5. VAT, Trade and Real Estate Transfer Tax...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: neutral tax【税收】 neutral tax【税收】分享到: 中性税收分类: 科技词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: 赞助商链接 你知道它的英文吗? ·中性溶剂 ·中性稳定性 ·中性状态 ·中性转向 ·中性...
A proportional income tax is said to be neutral if variations in the tax rate do not affect the optimal composition of the consumption commodities of a utility maximizing consumer. It is shown that neutrality obtains if and only if the indirect utility function of the consumer is groupwise homot...
What is an upstream tax? What is a revenue-neutral tax? Tax: For public spending, the special charge implied for the welfare of the public services is termed as tax. If someone does not pay tax, then, according to a special law, he will be punished. All the rates and stats of tax...
(2003): Neutral Taxation of Shareholder Income: A Norwegian Tax Reform Proposal, CESifo Working Paper No. 1036, Munchen 2003.Sorensen, Peter Birch, 2003: Neutral taxation of shareholder income: A Norwegian tax re- form proposal. Copenhagen....
The firm's response to revenue-neutral taxation is investigated under price uncertainty. Revenue-neutral policies adjust simultaneously the marginal tax rate and the level of exemptions while keeping expected tax receipts constant. Nonincreasing absolute risk aversion is sufficient to sign the firm's re...