guide and scale innovation activities. As a key investor in basic research, the government should steadily increase financial investments and optimize the integration of tax incentives to further support this area. Thirdly, it is crucial to coordinate the dual functions of tax neutrality and regulation...
Critics point out that capital export neutrality is based on several highly implausible assumptions. The CEN model, for instance, assumes that taxes are exogenous – meaning that they are independently determined. Yet the real-world experience of tax competition shows that tax rates are very ...
2004. Tax rate uncertainty, investment decisions, and tax neutrality. International Tax and Public Finance 11(3):265–281. Article Google Scholar Niemann, Rainer. 2011. The impact of tax uncertainty on irreversible investment. Review of ...
Is is the consumption tax base, which assumes that income should be taxed only one time (thus creating neutrality between current consumption and future consumption)? Official Washington (primarily the Treasury Department and the Joint Committee on Taxation, but also CBO, GAO, ) uses the Haig-Sim...
Tax neutrality is more easily achieved with the GST than with the SST. Further on the issue of scope, as the service tax in particular requires a service to specifically prescribed to be in scope, it limits the ability and the flexibility of the tax to adapt as quickly to new service ...
(for the most part) equitable considerations have routinely lost to efficiency considerations whether framed as open markets, free trade, capital neutrality, or other forms. As a result, calls for equitable proposals have not only failed to gain traction in the face of this “thumb on the ...
Tax neutrality principle(that is, to ensure investors achieve a tax neutral treatment irrespective of whether they invest in an asset directly or through a fund vehicle) – recognising that as a practical matter the existing regime does not always achieve such tax neutrality for investors in funds...
Revenue neutrality does not imply welfare neutrality: Since conventional taxes on labor or investment impose economic penalties beyond their direct cost, there exists an opportunity to use carbon tax revenues to enhance economic efficiency. This is sometimes referred to as the double dividend hypothesis...
b. What is the difference between domestic neutrality and foreign neutrality? c. What are a country's objectives, when determining tax policy on foreign source inco At what level of sales would the hotel make a before-tax profit of $60,000? 1. Define and explain the terms income tax and...
At the risk of stating the obvious, if the government imposes a tax and then also creates a program to give money to people, that’s not revenue neutrality. Was Obamacare “revenue neutral” because all the new taxes were balanced out by the handouts and subsidies that the law created for...