Employer Identification Number (EIN), Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and Federal Tax Identification Number (Federal TIN) all refer to the same nine-digit number — with the format 12-3456789 — provided by the IRS to new businesses. A federal Tax ID number is necessary when ...
If you have employees, you have responsibilities—one of which is to obtain a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). But, that’s not the only identifying number you need. More than likely, you also need a state tax ID number. So, what is a state ID number, and how can you...
A federal tax ID number is a unique, nine-digit number that is issued by the IRS to identify a business for tax reporting purposes. It is also commonly referred to as anemployer identification number (EIN)or afederal employer identification number (FEIN). When do I need a federal tax ID ...
In a time where numerous businesses can exist with the exact same name, Tax ID numbers serve the vital purpose of keeping them separate in the eyes of the government - and others! Order EIN Who Needs a Tax Identification Number? Even if you are simply operating as a sole-proprietorship or...
*Side note: An Employer Identification Number (EIN), or Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), goes by many names including Tax Identification Number (Tax ID) and 95 Number. Don’t let it confuse you, these are all different names for the same number. For more information about EIN...
Does your business or entity need to file for an EIN or Tax ID Number? Filing with GovDocFiling makes the process easy and convenient. Get started here!
Form W-2 - Employer's State ID Number Form W-2 - Entering in Program Form W-2 - Errors That Could Prompt a Notice Form W-2 - Filing Multiple Copies Form W-2 - Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Form W-2 - IPERS Form W-2 - Multiple Forms W-2 with Information from Multiple State...
the same as a federal tax ID, and the names are interchangeable. Occasionally, you may hear it referred to by another name or acronym. For example, sometimes it’s called a taxpayer identification number, or TIN. And it’s also known as a federal employer identification number, or FEIN. ...
Sole proprietors:If you run your business as a sole proprietor and you don’t have any employees, the IRS generally allows you to use your individual tax ID (e.g., SSN) as your FEIN. But you might want to get a business EIN – even if you don’t have to – for other reasons:...
An EIN is a tax ID number that separates a business owner's identity from the business itself; it is the equivalent of a Social Security number for businesses. The IRS uses the number to identify a company when it files taxes. An EIN is also sometimes referred to as a Federal T...