An EIN (also called a Federal Employment Identification Number or FEIN) is a unique nine-digit tax ID number that the IRS assigns to businesses. Similar to a person’s social security number, an EIN is used by businesses to open bank accounts, apply for loans and licenses, fulfill tax obl...
Federal vs. State Identification Numbers Also known as the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), the EIN is a single, federal identification number. Most states also require businesses to obtain a state tax ID number (sometimes referred to as a ‘state identification number’). Additionally...
Who Else Uses My Tax Identification Number? Not only does the federal government use your Tax ID to identify you, but your state and local government, your creditors, banks and possibly your vendors, might too. You will often need to have a Tax ID number before you can do such things as...
3275 Se Federal Highway Indian Street US 1 Next To Hess& Flashback Diner Stuart. FL 34997 FEIN MULTIMASTER MSxe636 II VARIABLE SPEED FINISH SANDER CUTTER POWER TOOL, You are bidding on this Fein Multimaster MSxe 636 II Finish Sander. This is a Great tool to sand in corners of cut Flo...
For example, when you file with your state,they’ll have no clue about the requirementsfor your city or town. Similarly, your city tax office will have no clue about the state or federal requirements. Because all of the necessary information isall over the place, I sometimes wo...