(Hint: Use a conjunction of each propositional variable or its negation.)How to tell if a statement is valid or invalid in discrete math?Explain how to write out a conditional statement.State whether or not the following statements are t...
True, since by the definition of tautology: From wiki A formula of propositional logic is a tautology if the formula itself is always true regardless of which valuation is used for the propositional variables So we can see from the truth table that p,q,γp,q,γ are all true therefore ...
It's always difficult to know which concepts are getting in the way of progress and which we should regard as inviolate. That, FWIW, is my view of the Quine-Duhem thesis in a nutshell (somewhat curiously mixed up with other arguments in the SEP, http://plato.stanford.edu/entr...