tautology meaning, definition, what is tautology: a statement in which you say the same th...: Learn more.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: tautology/tɔːˈtɒlədʒɪ/n(pl-gies) the use of words that merely repeat elements of the meaning already conveyed, as in the sentenceWill these supplies be adequate enough?in place ofWill these supplies be adequate...
The meaning is implied in the context. What you’re really saying is you have no choice in the matter. Logical tautologies are often used more deliberately than verbal tautologies. Verbal Tautology Examples We use a ton of verbal tautologies in our local dialects and speech mannerisms. Many of...
Notice that even though we’re using fewer words, the meaning of the sentences hasn’t changed. That’s because all the tautologies have been removed.A tautology is when sentences use different vocabulary but repeat the same idea. 莎莉坐在晚间美丽的夕阳下。她亲耳听到蟋蟀的声音。她吃了一份她...
The word tautology is a compound of the Greek wordstautoandlogos, meaning “same” and “word,” respectively. Thus the definition of tautology harkens back to the idea of using the same word or idea more than once. Difference Between Tautology and Repetition ...
"repetition of the same word, or use of several words conveying the same idea, in the same immediate context; repetition of the same thing in different words; the useless repetition of the same idea or meaning" (as inthey arrived simultaneously at the same time); 1570s, from Late Latint...
(In this example, the word "unmarried" is inherent in the word "bachelor," which means an unmarried man.) UnmarriedBachelors tend to buy fancy cars. Unmarriedbachelorstend to buy fancy cars. Formal Definition Tautology: the use of two words or phrases that express the same meaning, in a ...
My existence is necessary for any expression of astonishment at my existence to have meaning, to count as a valid proposition, expression or speech act. (These three are, importantly, not the same.) This point has been made by linguists who, while they distinguish between correct and ...