Taste buds of the tongue after application of colchicine to the glossopharyngeal nerve in rats. Bull Exp Biol Med 91, 572–574 (1981). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00837425 Download citation Received14 December 1980 Issue DateMay 1981 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/BF00837425 Key Words ...
and from there, it forks off into many areas of the forebrain, one of which is the cerebral cortex. 从那里,它会分支进入前脑的许多部位,其中一个就是大脑皮层。 Different sections of the cerebral cortex process different tastes: bitter, salty, umami, and, in our case, sweet. 大脑皮层的不同...
Originally, bitter taste receptors were identified in the taste buds of the tongue7,8, where they detect bitter molecules. These include several toxic compounds9, molecules with nutritional beneficial properties10,11,12,13or that add a valued property to foods14,15,16,17. Nonetheless, in the l...
Originally, bitter taste receptors were identified in the taste buds of the tongue7,8, where they detect bitter molecules. These include several toxic compounds9, molecules with nutritional beneficial properties10,11,12,13or that add a valued property to foods14,15,16,17. Nonetheless, in the l...
The following sections are included:A Taste for FlavourTaste and the Need to FeedOn the Tip of the TongueWhat Does It Taste Like?Flavour — A Convergence of the SensesWho Decides What Something Tastes Like?#A Taste for Flavour#Taste and the Need to Feed#On the Tip of the Tongue#What ...
The bitter taste receptors, TAS2Rs, belong to the G protein-coupled receptor super-family and are expressed in the taste receptor cells of taste buds on the gustatory papillae of the tongue. Recently, the extra-oral expression of previously identified TAS2R genes was also found in a variety ...
A group of 89 settlers broke off from the original party, taking a shortcut through the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Stranded in the mountains by a harsh winter and faced with starvation, the group splintered again. As the weather grew worse, the original and expedition sections of the Donner ...
In situ hybridization experiments showing expression of T1Rs (green) and T2Rs (red) in mammalian tongue sections. FromNelson et al. (2001). Box 23.2 Taste Cells in Fruit Flies Drosophila melanogaster, like mammals, recognize sugars, salts, and bitter compounds, making them a model system for ...
2.8. Tissue preparation for frozen sections Mice were perfused transcardially with 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) containing 0.2% picric acid under deep anesthesia (pentobarbital sodium, 25 mg/kg, i.p.), and then their tongues, which contained CP, were picked up. The...
Among the evidence cited by Beidler (1962) for that conclusion is: (1) the threshold concentration of sodium chloride is reached within a millisecond after 01 M sodium chloride has been applied to the tongue; (2) sucrose does not penetrate the membrane of any type of cell that has been ...