Master服务的 StateEventProcessor 监听到命令,提交给 StateEventResponseService ,它负责找到对应的工作流 WorkflowExecuteThread ,然后把这个stateEvent 给这个 WorkflowExecuteThread. WorkflowExecuteThread处理 stateEvent,判断这个 stateEvent 的 StateEventType 是 RUN_FAILED_ONLY_EVENT ,进行下面的处理: 找到改工作流失败...
WorkflowTask object 工作流任务信息 TaskId string 工作流任务 ID ***4215e042b3966ca5441e*** Status string 任务状态 枚举值: Init:任务初始化。 Failed:失败。 Canceled:任务已取消。 Processing:任务执行中。 Succeed:成功。 Succeed TaskInput string 工作流任务输入 { "Type": "Media", "Media": "...
addStateEvent(stateEvent); writeResponse(stateEvent, ExecutionStatus.SUCCESS); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("persist event queue error, event: {}", stateEvent, e); } } ④ WorkflowExecuteThread 内部循环扫描事件列表。 private void handleEvents() { while (!this.stateEvents.isEmpty()...
Status-quo and Trends of Workflow Task Assignment工作流任务分派的现状及其发展工作流任务分派业务规则工作流任务分派策略是工作流管理系统的关键技术之一,本文从学术研究和当前市场上工作流产品两个方面对工作流任务分派进行了比较研究,认为当前工作流任务分派描述存在不足,提出了工作流任务分派策略应该基于组织模型和...
WorkflowExecuteThread处理 stateEvent,判断这个 stateEvent 的 StateEventType 是 RUN_FAILED_ONLY_EVENT ,进行下面的处理: 找到改工作流失败且重试次数用完的任务列表,然后依次处理它们的执行记录(标记为失效,从失败列表移除,添加到待提交队列),最后提交到等待队列。***-WorkflowTask-80108cc3380155d98b2e3573a48a*** &<Common request parameters> Output Example {"Response": {"TaskType":"WorkflowTask","Status":"FINISH","CreateTime":"2019-07-16T06:21:27Z","BeginProcessTime":"...
Interface TaskStatusAll Superinterfaces: javax.xml.bind.Element, TaskStatusType public interface TaskStatus extends TaskStatusType, javax.xml.bind.Element Method Summary Methods inherited from interface getStatus, getTaskId, set...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Business Workflow Dear All, We have been using event based custom workflow to set the usage decision of inspection lot automatically and to create TO for the TR's. It is a background task and delegated the std BUS2045 with the custom objects and methods. It is wo...
WorkflowTaskState state= WorkflowTaskState.COMPLETED; String taskId = historicTaskInstance.getId();// Get the local task variables from the historyMap<String, Object> variables = propertyConverter.getHistoricTaskVariables(taskId); Map<QName, Serializable> historicTaskProperties = propertyConverter.g...
Status The status of this task. MBean Attribute: TaskRuntimeMBean.Status Can Resume It is possible to resume (execute or revert) a workflow if it was already executed and is in a FAIL, REVERT_FAIL, CANCELED or REVERT_CANCELED state. MBean Attribute: WorkflowTaskRuntimeMBean.canResum...