The Moon represents mutable Pisces, the Water element and the mystical planet of Neptune. All Pisceans should keep a copy of this card close by and use it for meditations into their true nature or hidden mysteries. Neptune’s influence is a reminder that not everything is as it seems, not...
Are you already a fan of Today’s Energy Reading by The Moon Tarot? ThenI’m sure you’ll love This Week’s Energy Reading, a free weekly newsletter that will give you an outlook for the week ahead. I perform a collective tarot card reading totap into the energy of the week more cl...
Deviant Moon Tarot Patrick Valenza Dare to seek illumination in the eerie & revealing light of Deviant Moon Tarot! Universal Tarot Lunaea Weatherstone,Roberto de Angelis, & Lo Scarabeo Explore the elegant and sophisticated Italian flair of Universal Tarot!
The sub-influence for this decan is Cancer, ruled by The Moon. Cancer is the natural ruler of the fourth house of home, family and security. These Pisces subjects typically stay close to birth family members. This Pisces may struggle to loosen parental ties, becoming fully independent, but m...
11—Strength—Kaph 12—The Hanged Man—Lamed 13—Death—Mem 14—Temperance—Nun 15—The Devil—Samekh 16—The Tower—Ayin 17—The Star—Peh 18—The Moon—Tzaddi 19—The Sun—Qoph 20—Judgement—Resh 21—The World—Shin 0—The Fool—Tav While some attribute the cards listed here, others,...
Get personalized predictions that will help you find and keep the love you deserve »Your Instinctive Needs The Moon can have a major impact on your romantic mindset! This chapter illuminates the importance of specific New Moon and Full Moon cycles, helping you gauge your instinctive, gut-level...
Having the ability to absorb and process the world through an intuitive lens can be either a blessing or a burden. Your sensitivity can connect you deeply to others and to yourself ... but it can also cause you to be taken over by unrealistic fantasies or heavy, painful emotions. ...
The Moon illusion, intuition, uncertainty, confusion, complexity, secrets, unconscious fear, deception, anxiety, misunderstanding, misinterpretation, clarity, understanding The Sun happiness, success, optimism, vitality, joy, confidence, truth ...
tarot- any of a set of (usually 72) cards that include 22 cards representing virtues and vices and death and fortune etc.; used by fortunetellers tarot card card- one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes; "...
Pisces' Tarot Card: The Moon Like your Tarot card, The Moon, you are a creature of ever-changing moods. You do best when you attune to nature's cycles and use them to refresh your intuitive powers. The Moon rules emotions, which are your strong suit, especially when you use your ...