Tarot archives - loads of great tarot posts, lessons, tips and more. Whether you are a tarot newbie or a pro, you'll find lots of tarot related content.
What does The Moon Tarot card mean?Learn the meaning of The Moon Tarot card in under a minute!The Moon Upright Meaning The Moon card refers to a deep state of sensitivity and imaginative impressionability, developed within a womb of deep relaxation. Here we dream and go into trance, have ...
Before we talk about the Moon in Capricorn, let’s first learn a little bit about the Moon itself. The Moon is considered a planet in astrology, and it moves so quickly that it passes through each of the zodiac signs every month. While your Sun sign represents your basic nature, your M...
The Moon (La Lune) The ruler of the Flux & Reflux; The Child of the Sons of the Mighty Card Number: 18 Key Number: 29 Rulership: Pisces Hebrew Letter: Qoph Translation: The Back of the Head Numerical Value: 12Divinatory meaning Upright - Imagination. Dreams and psychic impressions. ...
塔罗占卜 月亮 The Moon🔮 月亮高挂在夜空之中,圆缺不定。月中有一张沉思的脸的剪影,仿佛隐隐透露着不安。月亮象征着想象,联想的精神世界。月亮的阴晴圆缺,代表着变化。月下有两只狗正在仰望月空低吠,似乎是...
The Fool's Dog Master Tarot Series of apps for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch bring top level software skills to Tarot for the first time.
New Moon Readings \'The Nines\' Oct 6 2021 in Libra Pisces-Leo Podcast Episode 2021 52m Add a plot Rate Add to Watchlist 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息Photos Add photoStoryline User reviews Be the first to review Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendationsSign in...
Understanding Tarot. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1991. Cortellesi, Linda. The User-Friendly Tarot Guidebook. Worthington, OH: Chalice Moon Publications, 1996. Kaplan, Stuart R. The Encyclopedia of Tarot. Vols. 1–3. New York: U. S. Game Systems, 1978, 1986, 1990. Woudhuysen...
Select CategoryCupsDeathEveryday Tarot (Minor Arcana)GeneralJudgementJusticeLife Lessons Tarot (Major Arcana)PentaclesReadingsStrengthSwordsTemperanceThe ChariotThe DevilThe EmperorThe EmpressThe FoolThe Hanged ManThe HermitThe HierophantThe High PriestessThe LoversThe MagicianThe MoonThe StarThe SunThe Tower...
The Moon and the Hermit together, combined as a pair of Tarot birth cards make for clarity in an uncertain world. The moon brings uncertainty, it is a card of strangeness and choices. The hermit on the other hand is a provider of wisdom and spiritual guidance. When faced with the Moon ...