23.1 Inventory interaction matching 23.2 Achievement rewards 23.3 Pinning items in stash 23.4 Weather seasons 23.5 Map to Map Travel 23.6 Weapons 23.7 List of fixes 24 (4 October 2024) 25 (30 September 2024) 26 (26 September 2024) 26.1 Map ...
yet again, I have my back turned to an area I LITERALLY JUST CLEARED and somehow I hear "KEPKA" and get shot in the back 3 times. It's very immersion breaking and downright unfair, and that's saying a lot considering this is Tarkov. ...
In some cases players wouldn’t spawn even after successful matching and would get back to the main menu. Totally silent movement of Shturman and his guards. The player hung on a blank screen after pressing the ”Back” button on the treatment screen after a raid. The progress of the ”Cr...
Actually I'm having server issues too at the moment. I think something is happening because searching stuff in my last raid was taking forever and I was rubberbanding all over the place, and then I've just been stuck in matching for ages. Definitely best not to play when its like t...
Servers are fine, although i remember the waiting times to be a bit shorter in the past. maybe all the new players have a shitty rig. DFA_Thump Member 693 Author Posted January 1, 2021 I have been stuck in Matching as well. Either way, there needs to be a time limit on how...
-Select 3-5 of the best Ping and Matching time servers and apply Now launch the game and give it a shot, This worked for me and hopefully others will find this useful in fixing their issues. Thank you once again sYv, I appreciate the help you gave me. Loving the game so far ...
-fix server matching times -fix Scav/PMC behavior -fix PMC Bot loadouts -add reset PVE Account button Expand All of those points should haven been very obious to BSG at the moment they they considered hacking in a PvE mode in a week. ...
Other than that, and this is just one guy's experience, but when I think back to any time I had a PC suffering from repeated crashing/blue screens in the past 10+ years it was always hardware related. I won't say 100% but I can't think of a speciffic time that it wasn't. M...
I choose Tokyo, Seoul and Hong Kong. Tokyo has the lowest RTT, but if you select only the Tokyo server, you will have a lot of matching time. I hate this so I'm choosing other servers as well. In this case, you will rarely be connected to the Tokyo server during peak hours. I ...
Rather I'd like to see matching based on kill/death ratio. That will end up putting all the bad players together and all the cheaters together. But again, they've said they won't. Quote I'm basically helpless when it comes to a fight against someone who's got the upper hand in...