decoy duck 诱惑物勾引人入圈套的人 相似单词 decoy v.[T] 1.引诱(鸟、兽等);诱骗(+into) v. [I] 1.被诱 n. [C] 1.(诱捕鸟兽用的)假鸟,假兽;诱饵动物 2.用作诱饵的人;诱惑者 3.诱饵;诱惑物 target n. 1. 目标,靶 2. 受批评等的人或事物,批评的目标、 对象 3. 目的,目标 v. [T...
Proteomics, Target-decoy, False positive, False discovery, Mass spectrometry, EstimationAccurate and precise methods for estimating incorrect peptide and protein identifications are crucial for effective large-scale proteome analyses by tandem mass spectrometry. The target-decoy search strategy has emerged ...
decoy target [′dē‚kȯi ‚tär·gət] (ordnance) A device assembled from prefabricated materials, designed to simulate miscellaneous types of field equipment. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ...
The target-decoy approach (TDA) has done the field of proteomics a great service by filling in the need to estimate the false discovery rates (FDR) of peptide identifications. While TDA is often viewed as a universal solution to the problem of FDR evaluation, we argue that the time has co...
(2011) 22:1111Y1120 DOI: 10.1007/s13361-011-0139-3 CRITICAL INSIGHT Target-Decoy Approach and False Discovery Rate: When Things May Go Wrong Nitin Gupta,1 Nuno Bandeira,2,4 Uri Keich,3 Pavel A. Pevzner1,2 1Bioinformatics Program, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA ...
Target-decoy searches and false discovery rate Mascot results file module Decoy search results In Mascot Server 2.2 and later, any search can be run against a decoy database generated on the fly. Each sequence in the database is randomised or reversed and then searched along with the original...
英式发音: 美式发音: 翻译中文 诱饵目标 decoy target - 基本释义[词典1] 假目标 decoy target - WEB词典 decoy target 假目标 假目标 target and decoy 目标与诱饵 Recognition of target and decoy Bayes数据融合方法 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:decoy target 2.有道词典:decoy target 3.爱词霸:decoy target获...
The target-decoy search strategy represents a straightforward and effective way to manage this effort. Despite the apparent simplicity of this method, some controversy surrounds its successful application. Here we clarify our preferred methodology by addressing four issues based on observed decoy hit ...
Automatic target-decoy searching is always enabled for every search type, except: Intact crosslink searches– decoy search is not currently supported; seeValidating intact crosslinked peptide matches. Spectral library searches– decoy search is not currently supported; seespectral library match scoring. ...