Quick Reference: TaqMan Small RNA Assays Reference Guide: Understanding Your Shipment - For use with single tube TaqMan Assays Scientific Resources Application Note: Analysis of multiple miRNA targets using the TaqMan Fast Advanced Cells-to-CT Kit and TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays ...
Brochures & Specifications: Custom TaqMan Small RNA Assays Application Notes & Tutorials: High correlation of miRNA quantitation data from matched FFPE and snap-frozen tissues using TaqMan MicroRNA Assays Application Notes & Tutorials: Endogenous Controls for Real-Time Quantitation of miRNA Using TaqMan...
https://www.thermofisher.com/order/custom-genomic-products/tools/small-rna/ Taqman Copy Number Assay定制界面: https://www.thermofisher.com/order/custom-genomic-products/tools/copy-number-variation/ 定制成功后,网站会返回Assay ID,使用Assay ID及货号即可下单。 Q7、对于定制的Assays,是否可以使用之前已有...
本操作说明提供了TaqMan MicroRNA Assays的简要操作指南。更详细信息,请至赛默飞世尔官方 网站下载英文版说明书:https://tools.thermofisher.com/content/sfs/manuals/cms_042167.pdf 一.配制反转录体系 1.准备总RNA (1)注意:应选择适当的提取方法,避免提取过程中丢失microRNA (2)RNA定量 2.准备反转录预...
A: 该试剂盒专为TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays研发配套使用,原理上也可以搭配其他公司的反转录引物,但是需要客户自行尝试,实验结果无法保证。 Q58、针对定制的Custom TaqMan small RNA Assays,需要配套哪种反转录试剂盒及Master Mix? A: 定制的Custom TaqMan small RNA Assays与预设计的TaqmanTaqMan MicroRNA Assays一...
TaqMan MicroRNA Assays ProtocolBiosystems, A
初级microRNA(pri-miRNA)是长链非编码RNA转录本,至少有一个(更常见的是多个)约65 nt茎环结构的前体microRNA(pre-miRNA),这些前体microRNA中含有成熟的microRNA(miRNA)序列。TaqMan Pri-miRNA Assays让这种新“基因”种类的转录能够轻松方便地定量,其灵敏度和特异性足够分辨多个miRNA位点。
No. TaqMan Pri-miRNA Assays [Made-to-Order; single-tube (20 μL)] Small-scale Medium-scale Large-scale 360 (20X) 750 (20X) 2,900 (60X) TaqMan Gene Expression Assays, Endogenous Controls [Inventoried, single-tube (20 μL)] Small-scale 250 (20X) TaqMan MicroRNA Assays [1 RT primer...
Product Information User Guide: TaqMan Small RNA Assays Protocol for Running Custom RT and Preamplification Pools on Custom TaqMan Array MicroRNA Cards Product Info Sheet: MegaPlex Primer Pools 常见问题解答 (FAQ) 1 tube containing 1 mL of MultiScribe Reverse Transcriptase at 50 U/uL. This is ...
Brochures & Specifications: TaqMan MicroRNA Assays and Arrays Product Information User Guide: TaqMan Small RNA Assays Protocol for Running Custom RT and Preamplification Pools on Custom TaqMan Array MicroRNA Cards Product Info Sheet: MegaPlex Primer Pools 常見問答集 (常見問題) Yes, the MultiScribe...