0785 Tapu Koko 0786 Tapu Lele Tapu Bulu 0787 Type Psychic Fairy Weakness Poison Ghost Steel Height 1.2 m Category Land Spirit Pokémon Weight 18.6 kg Gender Ability Psychic Surge Versions It heals the wounds of people and Pokémon by sprinkling them with its sparkling scales. This ...
The other enticing element of Grassy Terrain is that Earthquake’s damage is greatly reduced. Earthquake is one of the most popular attacks in both Single and Double Battles, so reducing its damage puts a crack in many popular strategies. Pokémon with a weakness to Ground-type attacks can gre...
0784 Kommo-o 0785 Tapu Koko Tapu Lele 0786 Type Electric Fairy Weakness Poison Ground Height 1.8 m Category Land Spirit Pokémon Weight 20.5 kg Gender Ability Electric Surge Versions Although it's called a guardian deity, if a person or Pokémon puts it in a bad mood, it will ...